CEMA 6th ed Tension Calculations

Posted in: , on 3. Aug. 2010 - 17:09


I am designing an excel file to calculate the belt tension and power requirements based on the CEMA 6th ed calculations methods. I am unsure how Tmzn (The tension due to Material Trampling, page 122) is found, due to Tn (the tension in the flight). How would Tn be known if that is what your eventually trying to find?

Also, how is the Final dT calculated in case 3 (page 173)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Cema 6th Ed Tension Calculations

Erstellt am 4. Aug. 2010 - 08:45

The method used to converge trampling loss must be the same method used to converge for indention resistance, and flexural resistance as it applies to the d(T) for the flight in question.

Normally, trampling must be combined with flexure since they are co-dependent. I must go back to the CEMA method to see how they did it.

I have posted a warning on usage of the Universal Method. There are no published limitations (higher and lower limits) on its application such as:

1. operating temperature range

2. belt cover thicknesses

3. belt speed

4. belt width

5. belt tension

6. idler trough shapes

7. idler roll diameter

8. idler spacing

9. belt concave and horizontal curve radii

10. belt modulus (stiffness to bending over idler roll)

Authors claim there is no coorelation to any rubber rheology - this cannot be true unless the accuracy is compromised. Therefore, what is the likely accuracy of any calculation using Univeral Method?

Write a letter to CEMA to see what they say on the above.

All of the above strongly influence drag

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Cema 6th Ed Tension Calculations

Erstellt am 4. Aug. 2010 - 05:01

Thank you for your reply nordell!

I have already called CEMA on this matter. They referred me to the author of that chapter who was extremely rude and unhelpful. He was more keen on selling his companys software then backup the material in the textbook that he wrote.

I called CEMA back for the second time and they referred me to another gentlemen who was very helpful but he was not very familiar with the 6th ed method, only the 5th.

Im finding the 6th ed very vague and missing important details while being littered with errors. If anyone is familiar with the 6th ed your input would be great!

Limitations Of Cema 6th Edition.

Erstellt am 6. Aug. 2010 - 05:16


Do you feel uncomfortable with the CEMA 6th Edition? Do you agree the committee in charge should publish minimum user standards and limitations?

Convincing CEMA is difficult. We need others with a strong voice.

Sorry for the rude behavior of one member. Not typical. Guess he was frustrated you would not sucumb to the purchase.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450