Wolfson Centre PhD Thesis Titles

Posted in: , on 24. Jul. 2010 - 18:54

PhD Thesis titles: (by current Wolfson Centre Research staff)

Prediction of pressure losses in pneumatic conveying pipelines; 1990; Prof MSA Bradley; Director

The influence of particle dynamics on erosion caused by solid particles within laboratory erosion testers ; 2001; Dr T Deng; Research Fellow

The measurement of cohesive arches in silos using the technique of laser ranging; 2003; Dr RJ Berry; Research Fellow

MPhil Thesis titles: (by current Wolfson Centre Research staff)

Effect of flow channel profiles on repeatability of discharge rates from dispensing heads used for flow control of particulate materials in bulk; 2006; RJ Farnish; Consulting Engineer

PhD Thesis titles: (completed at the Wolfson Centre)

A comparison between the pressure gradients in vertical and horizontal pneumatic conveying; with an investigation into the effects of pipeline bore in vertical conveying; 2006; K Hettiaratchi

Prediction of bend pressure losses in horizontal lean phase pneumatic conveying; 2004; AR Chaudhry

Abrasive wear by hard particles and its influence on wall surface topography and wall friction angle; 2002; S Mengistu

The analysis of particle degradation in pneumatic conveying utilizing a pilot-sized test factory; 2000; I Bridle

Effects of particle size and density on pressure gradients in horizontal pipelines in lean phase pneumatic conveying; 2000; LM Hyder

Investigations into the segregation of heaps of particulate materials with particular reference to the effects of particle size; 1999; GF Salter

The influence of the mechanical properties of heat treated carbon steels on their solid particle erosion behaviour; 1998; DJ O’Flynn

The use of laboratory erosion tests for the prediction of wear in pneumatic conveying bends; 1996; AJ Burnett

The measurement of particle velocity and suspension density in pneumatic coal injection systems; 1992; SR Woodhead

Suction nozzle feeding mechanisms and their effect on the performance of vacuum pneumatic conveying systems; 1990; AN Pittman

An examination of the discharge capabilities of blow tanks as feeders for pneumatic conveying systems; 1989; SJ Ashenden

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