Re: Electricity Crisis

Erstellt am 12. Jul. 2010 - 12:43

"Crisis, what crisis?"

Who said that

Re: Electricity Crisis

Erstellt am 13. Jul. 2010 - 10:17

Is anyone working on how to save the electricity produced during each lightning?

( Some thing impossible today may be possible tomorrow" )


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Electricity Crisis

Erstellt am 13. Jul. 2010 - 10:57
Quote Originally Posted by sganeshView Post
Is anyone working on how to save the electricity produced during each lightning?

( Some thing impossible today may be possible tomorrow" )




Re :

Erstellt am 1. Sep. 2010 - 01:47
Quote Originally Posted by AmbroseView Post
Any one have solution of Electricity Crisis?


We can use solar energy. This is the effective way from we can save electricity. In some country in world have crisis of electricity. Wind power station is another effective way.

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