Wet Clay Lumps Between Crusher and Dryer

Posted in: , on 4. Jul. 2010 - 11:00

We currently have a system managing 60-80 tph of wet clay ( 18-25 % moisture) - used as raw material for cement production.

We receive 15-20 tons trucks, which dump the material on a metallic apron feeder. We have already made some modifications to the apron to assure a reasonably continuous flow of material.

The apron discharges the material to a clay crusher (deagglomerator), which in turn feeds a belt conveyor

This belt conveyor transports and lifts the material in order to feed a clay dryer.

The problem we are currently facing is the formation of large ( 30-40 cm - diameter) clay lumps at the discharge point of the clay crusher. The "crusher" is working more like an "extruder" which eases the lump formation.

If that were not enough, these lumps grow as the material is transported on the belt conveyor

Do you have a proposal on a different transport system between crusher and dryer ? on a potential "de-lumper" to work "on the belt" as the material is transported to the dryer ? should a second deaglomerator be placed at the feeding point of the dryer (with additional height).. ?

Will welcome ideas and proposals..


Re: Wet Clay Lumps Between Crusher And Dryer

Erstellt am 22. Jul. 2010 - 04:21

Years ago we did a sand recovery system at a foundry. To break up the big lumps of sand after the shakeout sceens, we ran the belt through a box enclosure and put a rotor similar to a hammermill rotor above the belt with about 1/2" clear to the belt. The rotor ran fast and basically "climb milled" the material in the direction of travel. I can't remember but the belt must have been flat and skirted at that point.

Not sure if you would have similar success on clay. Best solution would be to prevent the lumps from forming in the first place. If the lumps are getting bigger on the belt, they must be rolling like a snowball. Maybe run the belt slower so that a greater material depth stops the rolling.