Drilling Holes into Steel Cord Belts

Posted in: , on 29. Jun. 2010 - 04:22

we'd like to replace a steel cord belt and use a winch to drag the old belt out at the same time to lead the new belt in. The type of the steel cord belt is ST3500-10T/8T-1400, We plan to drill some holes and install clamp to drag the steel belt end, but we found it's difficult to drill holes in the belt. Can anybody give us some good advice? Thank you .

Re: Drilling Holes Into Steel Cord Belts

Erstellt am 29. Jun. 2010 - 04:31
Quote Originally Posted by zxm99View Post
we'd like to replace a steel cord belt and use a winch to drag the old belt out at the same time to lead the new belt in. The type of the steel cord belt is ST3500-10T/8T-1400, We plan to drill some holes and install clamp to drag the steel belt end, but we found it's difficult to drill holes in the belt. Can anybody give us some good advice? Thank you .

Use a bigger drill and dril bit to drill the belt through.

Re: Drilling Holes Into Steel Cord Belts

Erstellt am 29. Jun. 2010 - 03:48

A good practice is to strip back the rubber from the steel cord cables until there is sufficient length to both ends of the steel cords so 'Bulldog clips' can be attached joining each of the adjoining cable in a fixture. Depending on the location of the installation and loading on the belting, ie:- Drift decline etc., then this works fine without the tenancy to pull apart. I have used this on a Pheonix belt 2400mm ST8000 on a decline of 1.8Kms. I have seen a bolted plate design pull out along the cords and the belt runaway uncontrolled down the 2.3 km drift. Please be careful. Consult a reputable belt manufcturer for their recommendations.

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To Tecmate

Erstellt am 2. Jul. 2010 - 10:51

Thank you tecmate. We are trying to find a fast method to clamp the belt and drag . If like you say , it would spend too much time. We have a method used to pull other short steel cord belt that is to tighten the belt end with wirerope like hanging the neck of the body. But I'm not sure if this method is safe enough for a about 40T drag force. Can you send me more pictures about your methods? Pls email to me: zxm99@163.com.

I'm looking forward to your reply.