Recycling aktiv & TiefbauLive 2011

recycling aktiv und TiefbauLive 2011: 18. – 20. Mai 2011

Two trade fairs – one location – one date

Organisers signed cooperation agreement per interaction

Unique supplementary programme at the Baden-Airpark ‘fairground’

Synergies with pull effect are becoming the info point in the concept

The demonstration exhibitions recycling aktiv and TiefbauLive will take place concurrently in the coming year: The organisers GEOPLAN GmbH and VDBUM Service GmbH (German Association for Construction Industry Engineers and Professionals) signed an agreement for the hosting of both trade fairs at the same time at the same location. Devised by practitioners for practitioners, TiefbauLive-typical construction machinery and attachments for civil engineering, earthwork and road construction projects will demonstrate their capabilities in real practical situations from 18 to 20 May 2011, concurrent with the recycling plants, presses, shredders, shears, sorting plants and special processing machinery for demolition, recycling and materials handling of the recycling aktiv.

The much-desired supplementary programme of the two special trade fair organisers at the Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden airport provides an excellent opportunity to bring exhibitors and users together in a very special way. In doing so, synergies are pre-programmed. Manufacturers offering machinery and attachments for both industry sectors have the opportunity to meet both target customer groups in the same location. Users are treated to valuable suggestions and ideas of new machine combinations, providing options for better solutions to special functions. This parallel offering provides so many plus points that the double-bill trade fair plan met with very positive responses in discussions with key account clients of both special fairs during the provisional planning phase.

Many advantages in a made-to-order framework

The fairground in the Baden-Airpark not only guarantees easy access to exhibitors and visitors with the Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden airport in the immediate vicinity, but also through the proximity of the Baden-Baden access to the A5 freeway. The choice of location is also directed at visitors from neighbouring countries, France and Switzerland.

Sector A of the airport grounds will become ‘fairgrounds for the time being’ in May 2011. At the current state of planning, approximately 92,000 m2 gross area will be available for both trade fairs. The trade fair concept is equally based on extensive stand areas with adequate space for live demonstrations and attractive indoor exhibition space in large modern pavilions. Adequate parking capacity directly at the exhibition grounds and a professional trade fair infrastructure completes the special fair experience.

Twice the competence stipulated

The agreement between GEOPLAN GmbH and VDBUM Service GmbH was signed by the managing directors of the two associations, Dr. Friedhelm Rese and Udo Kiesewalter, as well as by Peter Guttenberger, 1st. Chairman of the VDBUM e.V. In terms of the agreement GEOPLAN, as organiser of recycling aktiv, in close coordination with VDBUM Service GmbH, also takes over the complete project management of TiefbauLive. The success that GEOPLAN’s years of experience as special organiser of demonstration exhibitions since 1990 can bring to this double-bill trade fair played a crucial role in finalising this new strategic partnership.

Both events partners expressed their satisfaction with the agreement as conclusion to the negotiations, which will always be managed in a spirit of respect and results-driven.

The recycling aktiv will again be supported technically and conceptually by recognised professional associations from various recycling industries. The technical and conceptual sponsor of TiefbauLive 2011 is the Confederation of German Construction Industry (ZDB).

For more information, please visit:

Photo: Two trade fairs in one location for high-potential use: The organiser GEOPLAN GmbH and VDBUM Service GmbH (German Association for Construction Industry Engineers and Professionals) signed an agreement for the hosting of the double-bill trade fair recycling aktiv/TiefbauLive. Image from left: Andrea Friedrich, General Manager GEOPLAN, Dr. Friedhelm Rese, Managing Director GEOPLAN and trade fair manager of recycling aktiv, Peter Guttenberger, 1st Chairman of VDBUM, Udo Kiesewalter, Managing Director VDBUM Service GmbH and trade fair manager of TiefbauLive, and Michaela Stephan, project manager of the double-bill trade fair. (Photo: VDBUM)


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