Bridge Type Reclaimer

Posted in: , on 31. May. 2010 - 16:17

I am going through my new project of 7 MT Iron ore benificiation plant. iron ore fines from around 20 mines will come by rake & then provision shall be prepared for at least 15 days storage in stockyard.Since blending is very important before sending to benificiation plant, we have suggest one Barrel reclaimer over the bed with Transfer car. But due to very space constrain, transfer car provision not possible as well as two barrel reclaimer over each bed also costly alternate. Now my quries is two no Bridge type reclaimer may be the substitute? Is it fulfil the blending efficiency properly.What will be the cost effect.please share me some ideas at the earliest.

With Thanks


Iron Ore Stock Pile

Erstellt am 1. Jun. 2010 - 06:22


Would you be able to post the layout

of the stockyard it?

It would be irresponsible to offer

and opinion in depth with the

amount of information you have


Perhaps now it is better for you to back away and

visit several types of stock yards before making

any more decisions simply due to the fact that

you are apparently in the early stages before

planning the stock yard.

If you are to have ore from 20 different mines

delivered the hypothesis has many parts.

How much operating capital do I have to do any

preliminary site studies if any.

The fewer pieces of machinery you have the less complicated

it is.

What utilities are available?

What are the ground conditions and are soil cores available or planned?

How will I deliver the ore to stock piles one through 20

after the ore is dumped form the rakes?

How will I stack the ore, and with what machinery?

Is there room to create a buffer zone of excess ore if

the benefaction plant is disabled and wil I have room for

15 weeks of excess ore from each mine if a disaster occurs

and I have placed orders for the ore and it is shipped and in transit?

How will I reclaim the ore, how fast?, and with what?

Where and how often will I retrieve samples to be tested for

Fe contents and impurities?

Will I be able to segregate low quality ore effectively to avoid

reclaim errors?

Hiw much ore will be sacrificed-left on the ground when reclaiming?

After the ore is reclaimed, how am I to deliver it to the

benefaction plant?

Are there are better less expensive ways

to reclaim ores and have I examined them in detail?
