New Rotary Scalpel Technology

Posted in: , on 25. May. 2010 - 13:24

3i’s Technologies Introduces a New Level of Precision to Batching and Filling Processes

with Revolutionary New Rotary Scalpel Technology

Vineland, New Jersey, May 1, 2010 - 3i’s Technologies™ will premier the first of the Company’s new BatcHHouse ™ brand of products, the Rotary Scalpel,™ at PTXi. Rotary Scalpel Technology introduces a unique and revolutionary technology to the batching and filling process industries, recommended for applications requiring exceptional precision and ultimate process optimization of cost and quality

The Rotary Scalpel offers a new level of precision in dispensing small increments of material into a batch or package. With the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel, the Rotary Scalpel can deliver +/- 0.5 grams, independent of batch size. The Rotary Scalpel technology can be utilized to handle a variety of materials, even fines such as flour.

Rotary Scalpel Technology (patent pending) utilizes two innovative key components: 1) a large inlet specially designed to insure consistent material flow into a rotary feed drum and 2) a pneumatic “scalpel.” Upon receipt of a setpoint weight, the pneumatic scalpel will smoothly “knife off” from a filled vane of the rotary feed drum the precise amount of material needed to complete a batch or fill a container. Unneeded material remaining in the same vane is recycled back to the material source, eliminating all waste.

In batching applications, the Rotary Scalpel can be applied as: 1) a batch dribble control system—stand-alone; 2) batch dribble control system complementing a fast fill batcher to complete the batch; 3) single ingredient loss-in-weight batch system performing both fast and dribble feed, simultaneously feeding multiple ingredients; 4) single ingredient gain-in-weight batch process system, performing both fast and dribble feed in new process lines or as an addition in an existing process line.

Applied as a Fill Scalpel in packaging applications, the stand-alone Fill Scalpel precisely fills the package using both fast fill and dribble fill modes. It can also be used to perform only the dribble control function, complementing another filling device performing fast fill. In either case, the Fill Scalpel provides optimum batch accuracy. Both Batch and Fill Rotary Scalpels are based upon the same metering device and incorporate specialized controls configured for batching or filling processes.

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