Looking for a Mastersizer S

Posted in: , on 3. May. 2010 - 21:52

Looking for a Mastersizer S for comparative examinations (contract lab)


we are looking for a contract lab which have the possibility to measure the particle size by using a Mastersizer S under GMP conditions. Have anybody an idea where I can find such a laboratory? In the near or in Germany would be very fantastic.

For any ideas I would be very grateful.

Best regards


Re: Looking For A Mastersizer S

Erstellt am 16. Sep. 2014 - 04:00

Dear Jim,

your question is from 2010. But if you have any questions for particle sizing or you need consulting in it to not hesitate to contact us.

By the way, our intrument is FRITSCH Analysette 22 micro Tech Plus with red and blue laser.

Regards Pulveranalyse


Quote Originally Posted by JimKnopfView Post
Looking for a Mastersizer S for comparative examinations (contract lab)


we are looking for a contract lab which have the possibility to measure the particle size by using a Mastersizer S under GMP conditions. Have anybody an idea where I can find such a laboratory? In the near or in Germany would be very fantastic.

For any ideas I would be very grateful.

Best regards
