Air Slide Slope

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 2. Apr. 2010 - 08:46

Dear All,

I have seen some of the documents from Polysius and slope is given in percentage.

While in other general technical litreature, normally it is given in degrees.

Please let me know the design standard parctice. In drawing whether it should be given in percentage or in degrees?

Re: Air Slide Slope

Erstellt am 2. Apr. 2010 - 08:42

I would expect an engineering drawing to show a slope in degrees.

Re: Air Slide Slope

Erstellt am 2. Apr. 2010 - 09:13

Dear Sanjay

Actually, this is a non-problem.

The slope, given in %, is nothing else than the tangent of the angle (in degrees or radians) to the horizontal.

If one of them is given, the other can be calculated.

The methods are both used:


A taper cone as 1:10

Hill slope as 12%

Air slide 8 degrees




Air Slide Fabric

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2010 - 07:06

Could you please give me some equation to calculate the Air permeability of the fabric cloth used in the Air Slide.....

Plz treat this Urgent.

Blower specification- 230 cu. m /hr at 630 MWC(metric water column)

SLide angle-12deg.


fabric thickness-5mm

Kindly send the specification to my mail id-

Re: Air Slide Slope

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2010 - 08:36

I would have thought that the permeability is something to be MEASURED not CALCULATED.

And what is the fabric anyway

Re: Air Slide Slope

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2010 - 07:32

Fabric is the cloth that is used inside the air slide on which the material slides

could you provide me any details of the air permiabilty or how to decide what type of fabric to be used in air slide

Re: Air Slide Slope

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2010 - 09:21
Quote Originally Posted by anipatra143View Post
Fabric is the cloth that is used inside the air slide

Of course.

But what is the fabric you are using?

And what has the fabric manufacturer told you about it's properties?