Belt Alignment System for Belt Scales

Posted in: , on 31. Mar. 2010 - 21:49

JesTrack, ”The intelligent belt alignment system for belt scales”

The weight company Jesma from Vejle, Denmark has developed a new electronic belt alignment system, JesTrack.

You often see conveyors and weigh feeders having trouble keeping the belt centred between the side members. Now Jesma has the solution, says Palle Serup from Jesma. “All our belt weights can be equipped with this solution insuring that the belt runs perfectly.

Simply speaking JesTrack consists of an electrical actuator which controls the angel of the take-up pulley. If the belt starts running to a side a censor will be activated. The censor will provide a signal to the actuator which then adjusts the angel in the correct direction.

JesTrack runs nonstop but has very low power consumption. All in all a fantastic solution for companies appreciating continuous running.

There often lies a great advantage for the companies in minimizing stops in the production. Our customers and partners often express that this is a focus area that really pays off when investing”.

Illustration shows the actuators and censors.

Why put up an electrical circuit to secure against misalignment of the belt?

As earlier mentioned many companies focuses on reliability in the production. Let’s presume that the belt runs towards one side of the belt conveyor/belt scale. First and foremost this is not good seen from a weight-technical point of view because a weighing error will occur if the belt touches the side members. In addition, there will be an unnecessary wear on the belt and side members resulting in a shorter lifespan of the belt.

Furthermore, JesTrack provides an increase in security in connection to ATEX demands, continues Palle Serup. If a belt runs against the side members heat from the friction can occur and thereby creating a potential fire hazard. Fortunately we are not aware that this has ever occurred on any of our systems and with the new JesTrack it never will. We are very satisfied with this belt smooth-planing system.”

Can JesTrack be applied on regular conveying systems?

JesTrack has been developed for our weigh feeder/belt scale program JesBelt, but we see no problems in employing the system on other types of conveyors. Maybe some productions experience problems with conveyors not running as planned! We often see it on conveyors that run with shifting loads, says Palle Serup. The good thing about JesTrack is that when it has been mounted you don’t have to think about the conveyor/belt scale; it just works.

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