Stacking & Reclaiming of Fine Coal

Posted in: , on 22. Feb. 2010 - 11:48

Dear experts,

A proposal is being discussed for coal slurry pipeline in a very preliminary stage. After slurry is received, it is dewatered to about 13 % moisture and the coal [- 2 mm] has to be stocked and loaded into ships.

Can anybody guide about stacking reclaiming and handling of fine coal?

The capacity of filtered coal is thought around 1200 TPH. Ship loading has to be done around 2500 TPH.


Sticky Problem

Erstellt am 22. Feb. 2010 - 12:47

The only handling issue is to keep your chutes flowing. You would be ill advised to plonk freshly dewatered coal straight to the ship. You would still show some free water and that would encourage the deck officer to demand plenty of sampling beyond a reasonable level.

Wet coal of any size sticks like dung on a blanket (It's taken thirty years for my wives to get me to politely call it dung). Anyway it sticks. Sixteen percent is a lot of water and your 13% won't be much better. Some will say line the chutes with HDPE: which eventually absorbs enough water to allow it to ripple and then the coal rubs away at the high spots and you have to start again. Others will say stainless liners and they are right. Make sure they are polished. "Polish in service" is not a goer.

When it comes to stacking, be prepared for a low angle of repose in practice and size the stockpile accordingly. Give yourself plenty of room to get front end loaders around the pile in case slip planes develop near the water table and avalanches occur to disable the reclaimer travel.

Good luck.