KOKEISL Picking Robot

Posted in: , on 4. Feb. 2010 - 13:18

Modular Concepts for Automated Guided Vehicles

KOKEISL Industrial Systems presents KOKEISL Picking Robot at Hanover Fair

KOKEISL Industrial Systems, international vendor of automated logistics solutions and of bulk solids picking and dosing systems exhibits for the first time at Hanover Fair which takes place from April 19th to 23rd 2010. The KOKEISL Picking Robot will be shown in hall 14, booth K05. In a special exhibition area named “Mobile Robot and Autonomous Systems” intelligent mobile systems for the industrial production will be presented.

„We are facing a revolution in the automation of bulk solids processes”, says Daniel Testi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KOKEISL Industrial Systems. “With the help of our key components in dosing technology as well as with the KOKEISL Picking Robot, the automated guided vehicle (AGV) with the innovative navigation technology ANT Bluebotics we fundamentally change in-plant production.”

KOKEISL Picking Robot – Not Only for Bulk Solids

The KOKEISL vehicles have been designed for the rough environment of the bulk solids industry. A modular system allows individual planning and realization. Thus customized vehicles with standardized technology can be offered for nearly any supply chain management application. The KOKEISL Picking Robot is equipped with one or two scales. It is able to transport various containers, drums or big bags. The navigation system ANT Bluebotics (Autonomous Navigation System) automatically scans the environment. It adjusts itself to changes and does not need any additional installation inside the building or production plant. Laser scanners show it the way. The vehicle moves fast (1.5 metres per second) and very accurately (+/- 10 millimeter).

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Photo: KOKEISL Picking Robot, an automated guided vehicle


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