High Capacity Unloading System

Posted in: , on 24. Jan. 2010 - 10:24

We are designing coal unloading system for one of our client from ship unloading to stockpiling and wagon discharge system.

In India, the scenario related to port handling has been changing due to various factors.

We have done system designing for unloading a panmax @45000 tpd.Now ,the demand is to unload a cape vessel@70000 tpd and that is for coal. Providing 2 rows of conveyors for carrying coal ( 1800/2000mm wide conveyor) for a longer distance seems to be very costly affair and in India ,there are no referances or very less references where we have used conveyor width more then 2000 wide for carrying coal

Since ,we will have to provide referances to our client where the coal is beeing handled@4-4500 tph on a single conveyor.

We need that Hon. Members of this forum provide us these details/referances where such type of system is installed in India or Abroad.

Regards, Anil Seth


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 02:05

A number of “major” coal ports in AUS have a number of loading streams / conveyor systems (consisting of a number of conveyors in series) with rated capacities in excess of 4500 tph which is achieved with conveyor belts widths less than 2000 mm.



Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 03:16

Dear MR. Seth,

The overland conveyor (OLC) feed from Mundra Port stockpile to power plant is designed and in manufacturing to handle 6000 t/h on 1600mm wide belt. Two high speed conveyors total length is 6.4 km. This system will be commissioned by end of 2nd or third quarter of 2010.

Reliance Energy (Sasan Project) is about to award a 17.5 km OLC that will transport 4500 t/h on a 1600 mm or narrower belt with two horizontal curves.

There are many OLC coal belts transporting high tonnage, at high speed, bringing the economic investment in line with the world times and technology.

Outside of India, others are transporting 4500 t/h, down to 1100 mm wide OLC belts. These operations have been successful and active for many years.

There are concerns the idler and belt manufacturing facilities in India, have Q/A problems and are not up to the required specifications of high speed and high capacity belts. Therefore, some components are supplied from offshore.

I expect India will address the Q/A deficiencies and will supply the necessary products for high speed transport in the near future.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 03:37

There are many world systems transporting more than 4500 t/h.

We have designed a number of systems in Brazil, handling iron ore, transporting up to 24,000 t/h.

In Germany, I believe they are in the range of 40,000 t/h in brown coal.

Thus, the technology is verified. This means the component ratings and Q/A are known. India can bring in offshore components or upgrade their present facilities. There are no restrictions to meet 4500 t/h or much higher that will enable one conveyor flight to move 70,000 t/d.

At minimum, a 10,000 t/h conveyor could do the job in a 7000 hour/year operation.

One critical component is the chute system. It must be designed to handle high tonnage and high speed flow. Today, this is a well know science.

We are available for needed services.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 06:27

Gentlemen, I think at Gangavaram port the coal is falling from the belt due to wrong

selection where width is--1600 mm and speed 5 m/sec and designed for 4500 tph.

Regards, Anil

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 09:35

We agree. Wrong speed. Bad Designer.

Is that all you have to say?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 10:23

A bitmore boutique than the Port "plant conveyors":

KPC (last I heard) 4200 tph @ 1000 mm (@ 8.5 m/s)



Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 10:28


KPC is operating up to 4500 t/h with 1100mm wide belt.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 10:42

Thanks again for your input.I think if I am not wrong, KPC means Krishnapattnam Port Co.With conveyor width of 11oo mm and speed of 8.5 m/sec then in case troughing angle will be between 40-45 deg.Could you please let me know who has designed and supplied the same system.

Regards, Anil

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 04:27

Dear Mr. Seth,

KPC denotes Kaltim Prima Coal. The coal mine in located in Indonesia. It was made operational in 1990. I was the KPC design auditor. The details have been published on the evolution of KPC from its intial 2000 t/h to its present 4500 t/h and the upgrading of the belt to 1100mm from 1050mm.

KPC followed the commissioning of the 20 km overland conveyor (OLC) Channar iron ore transport in 1989. I and David Beckley were the designers of Channar. I started the design in 1987 as a feasibility study. Channar has two flights, each of 10 km. I upgraded the second flight in 2004 to 4600 t/h from 2200 t/h. The belt is 1050 mm wide.

The KPC mine was initially owned by Con Rio Australia (CRA) now Rio Tinto and BHP Australia. CRA asked me to audit KPC, which was designed by Mineco, the design arm of CRA. The principle Minenco designer of KPC 13 km overland was Mr. Gary James.

Mineco was sold to Bechtel many years ago, after KPC was commissioned.

As noted in the forum, I also designed the 20 km Curragh North OLC in 2007. It transports 2500 t/h coal, on a 1200 mm belt operating at 7.5 m/s.

KPC is duplicating the original 13 km flight with a second conveyor operating in parallel with the same specifications. It will operate at 8.5 m/s and is designed to transport up to 4500 t/h.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 25. Jan. 2010 - 04:34

I forgot to add, the KPC OLC transports coal from mine to stockpile at their sea side port.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 26. Jan. 2010 - 02:17

Dear Nordel, Thanks for your mail.I really appreciate the input/advise given by the Hon. Members of this forum.Problem is that the development in Port sector which is going in India now was done in China about 15 years back .In India,the max. capacity of any port used to be 3-4 mtpa about 5-6 years back which has gone now uo to 35 mtpa due to the requirment from various sectors,so the people will take time to digest higher loading/unloading capacities.Due to this major tech. mistake is being done while designing material handling system at various upcoming major ports.

Thanks again, Anil

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 26. Jan. 2010 - 03:55

Dear Mr. Seth,

Your comment is very cryptic and not understood. I do not see what China did 15 years ago has bearing on what is being done today. Cases in point are Reliance Energy and Mundra Port. They do not seem swayed by practices of ancient habits. Neither does NMDC or Larfarge Cement or other major material handling owners and operators.

The caveat seems to be - apply what is proven to work.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 27. Jan. 2010 - 01:28

Dear Mr Anil

We have already designed similar loading system for grains from silos to vessels with capacity 800 ton.hour, please see attached


Mohamed Khalifa


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Manufacturers of Mobile Bagging Machines, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, chain conveyors, mechanical and electro-hydraulic grabs, experts in dry bulk charge, discharge and lightening operations and stevedoring.


Erstellt am 17. Feb. 2010 - 07:57

please send

us details and drawings

Kindly regards


KGM A.S stanbul /Turkey


Quote Originally Posted by anil sethView Post
We are designing coal unloading system for one of our client from ship unloading to stockpiling and wagon discharge system.

In India, the scenario related to port handling has been changing due to various factors.

We have done system designing for unloading a panmax @45000 tpd.Now ,the demand is to unload a cape vessel@70000 tpd and that is for coal. Providing 2 rows of conveyors for carrying coal ( 1800/2000mm wide conveyor) for a longer distance seems to be very costly affair and in India ,there are no referances or very less references where we have used conveyor width more then 2000 wide for carrying coal

Since ,we will have to provide referances to our client where the coal is beeing handled@4-4500 tph on a single conveyor.

We need that Hon. Members of this forum provide us these details/referances where such type of system is installed in India or Abroad.

Regards, Anil Seth


Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 23. Feb. 2010 - 10:23

Dear Anil Seth,

If you are looking also for good Quality Conveyor Drives, Full package with Baseframe, Motor & Couplings. Or specially engineered for you please have a look at www.piv-drives.com for afordable helical gearboxes or to see full spectrum see www.brevini.com. We have a Sales subsidiary in India you will find contacts at the Brevini webpage there. I will be looking forward to assist you.

Kind Regards

David Holz

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 10. Apr. 2010 - 06:47

Gentlemen,Could you please provide me the following information--

Some specific info like plant location, operator or owner name and designer name for the 2400 t/h iron ore plant in Brazil and 4600 t/h chanmar iron ore plant using 1050mm belt width. What is the belt speed?

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 11. Apr. 2010 - 09:00

Not sure about the Brazil one.



I am not sure that this reflects the current arrangement, thought it provided the information you requested at the time the paper was written.



Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2010 - 10:07

Gentlemen, Please advise me on the following---

Channar was upgraded to handle 4000 tph at 4.5 m/sec with a belt width of 1100mm. Do you have any info regarding this upgradation?

Regards, Anil

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2010 - 08:57

Dear Brown, Thanks a lot for your information.I have checked the link. It is mentioned that belt crossection increased 32%.

What is the width of belt after up gradation?

Regards, Anil

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: High Capacity Unloading System

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2010 - 10:59

From the second link:


The upgrade to 4600 t/h included a speed increase to 6.5 m/s with a drop in belt strength to ST-2800 N/mm x 1050 mm belt.


