Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 5. Jan. 2010 - 09:29

Hello Fernanda,

I'm sure that here are probably members here who could help you. However, it would help if you could clearly define what your actual concerns are.

  • Existing problems?
  • Life extension?
  • Efficiency enhancement?
  • Other?

Best regards,

J Albrecht [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B][url][/url][/B][/COLOR] [IMG][/IMG]

Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 5. Jan. 2010 - 10:26

Thank you; i need information about life extension; and a particular case as an exemplo of more 50 years.


Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 5. Jan. 2010 - 11:17

Is that all you can tell us, a 50 year old ball mill

To give anyone a chance of helping you please give some details of the machine, manufacturer, type, serial number etc, etc, etc......

Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 5. Jan. 2010 - 11:27

It's not neccesary all these information; i need a puntual case of a ball mill with more than 50 years of utilization. It could be a cement mill or a raw mill; it's the same.

I wait you can help me.


Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 8. Jan. 2010 - 01:41


In general you can practise with a 50 years old mill.

In case that the mill shell, head wall, white metal bearings and gear box are good in shape, the mill can run additional 20 years without any problems.

Tim Hücking

Project Manager


Intercem Engineering GmbH

Dipl. Ing. (FH)

Tim Hücking

Project Manager

Carl-Zeiss-Str. 10

59302 Oelde


Tel.: +49 (2522) 92 058 - 17

Mob.: +49 (170) 52 89 797

Fax.: +49 (2522) 92 058 - 20




Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 14. Jan. 2010 - 11:24


Do you know some especific case of a mill in operation now?

Thank you!

Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 14. Jan. 2010 - 12:21

We have had cement mill in our group in operation for 40 years.

The issues you have is wear (past reasopnable limitss) or fatigue related effects.

What are you tasked with doing - buying an old mill or re-commission existing gear?? Your post could be more explicit



Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 14. Jan. 2010 - 05:33

Hi Fernanda!

We have a lot of references with old refurbished mills which are running very well.

Please take a look in the enclosed reference list of the last 5 years.

Best regards




Intercem Engineering GmbH


intercem_references_grinding_plants (PDF)

Re: Old Ball Mills

Erstellt am 19. Jan. 2010 - 12:00

Hi Tim

Yours references not talk about year of start up original; I dont know this year and I need puntual cases of ball mills with more than 50 years of operations.

Could you help me? If you can get the year of start up original of that mills would be better.

Best regards


Expierence From Tetrine (Repair)

Erstellt am 5. Mar. 2010 - 04:57

Hello Fernanda,

to expect to get an answer it will only be possible if you show us more data

As representative of TEUTRINE in South America I could check the feasability after lifting the secret of your mill

As a first step yYou may look at the Spanish web

or directly in Switzerland

Best and kind regards


dk 5491145337982