Steel Cord Belts Splices

Posted in: , on 22. Oct. 2009 - 06:09

Dear Experts,

When the rating of the steel cord belt is increased, the splice length is also increased ( in stages ) to meet the requirement of strength required. This is understood as the splice area is increased.

But I would like to know the importance of increase in number of steps in the splices. Does it only increase the reliability of splice in case of any accidental damages? Because number of cords in the splice area is same in any number of steps, but their ends are only staggered.


Re: Steel Cord Belts Splices

Erstellt am 23. Oct. 2009 - 05:56


You should read up on steel cord splice designs. You have many misperceptions.

How many steps is dependent on:

1. cord diameter - ST rating can be achieved with many cord diameters

2. belt width - belt width is given = material density, maximum lumps size, speed, tonnage and loading allowance

3. minimum gap to cord diameter ratio - typical ratio is 0.35:1 or gap at 1/3 cord dia.

4. minimum gap between cords in splice - should be no less than 2.0 mm

5. number of cords to achieve ST rating - bigger cord = bigger g/d ratio; bigger cord = greater belt cost

6. belt economics - per point 5

7. dimension between belt edge and outer cable - minimum with save condition to protect outer cable

8. length of splice vulcanizer available

9. acceptable length of each step, butt end clearance and bend zone requirements

10. shear stress fatigue limiting values of core gum rubber with varing splice step criteria.

Many of these criteria are not well understood by the belt manufacturers. Over years of some have compiled records that lead to standards (DIN, CEMA, ISO...).

Read the literature that tells you how to combine these parameters to optimize the cable diameter and pitch in belt, which leads to number of splice steps, et al.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Steel Cord Belts Splices

Erstellt am 23. Oct. 2009 - 06:05


Splice step selection is set by the above criteria. The step is only increased to meet the minimum gap and gap ratio. The step number can be decreased by reducing the cable size. Often cable diameters are set standard numbers based, in rough terms, belt manufacturer's marketing demands and need to maintain some diameter inventories to meet most needs. Thus, the available cord diameter is also driven by the belt design schedule to meet site construction.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Steel Cord Belts Splices

Erstellt am 23. Oct. 2009 - 06:48

Thanks a lot for sharing your time & knowledge

With regards,