Drill Core Anaylsis - Accupyc 1340

Posted in: , on 3. Oct. 2009 - 13:11

Custom Instrument for Drill Core Anaylsis by Particle and Surface Sciences - The Accupyc 1340

Energy exploration, hydrogeological surveys, and geosequestration operations all involve extracting and analyzing drilling cores to provide information about the underlying strata. An important objective of the sampling is to determine the percent porosity of the formation. The porosity of the rock is an important factor in forecasting volumetric yield of the strata, assessing the potential of the formation as a storage medium, or understanding the infiltration and movement of groundwater. Over the years, geological scientists have used a variety of methods to determine drill core porosity. A fast, low-cost, non-destructive, non-hazardous method seems most preferable.

Knowing the envelope and skeletal volumes of a core sample allows the total pore volume and percent porosity of the sample to be determined. Since a core typically is a right circular cylinder, simple physical measurements of its diameter and length allow the envelope volume to be calculated. A gas displacement pycnometer is a low-cost, non-destructive, non-hazardous technique for measuring the skeletal volume. However, until now, this technique was very tedious because the maximum volume sample chamber capacity of existing models required the geological scientist to break a core into many smaller pieces that were each analyzed. An average of the many analyses was used to arrive at a reliable value for the skeletal volume.

Micromeritics’ Custom Engineered Products group has recently designed a gas displacement pycnometer to address the specific needs of operations that need to know the pore volume of drilling cores. The popular AccuPyc II 1340 has been custom-engineered with a large sample chamber (a volume of approximately 2000 cm3) that can accommodate a 95 mm (3.74 inch) diameter core of up to 278 mm (10.9 inches) in length, thus improving sampling statistics by eliminating the need to run multiple analyses.

Particle & Surface Sciences also offer a wide-ranging programme of support solutions, including installation and service of all instruments by factory trained technicians, an Analytical Laboratory and a Sales Department to assist with your enquiries. PsS™ will be running a series of seminars across Australia during 2009. Please visit our website for more information on the locations.

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