Symposium on Sediment Management

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

The organizing committee cordially invites you to attend “IInd International Symposium on Sediment Management” which will be held on 11th to 13th May 2010 in Casablanca – Morocco, organized by the Moroccan Association of Catalysis and Environment (AMCE) in collaboration with the Ecole des Mines de Douai - France. This edition gathering more than twenty countries aims at the development of sciences and technology relating to the management of sediments and at the creation of relation of cooperation with the other national and international associations and the public and private scientific organizations.

This meeting will include six half-days treating the last researches in the field of the management of sediments.*

Sincerely Yours.

Prof. Abdelhak Kherbeche



Moroccan Association of Catalysis and Environment

BP. 6027, Fez – Adarissa, Fez, Morocco

Tel.: +212.661.08.17.34


Chre Madame, Cher Monsieur,

Le comit organisation vous invite cordialement participer au IIme Symposium International sur la gestion des sdiments, qui aura lieu les 11, 12 et 13 Mai 2010 Casablanca - Maroc, organis par l'Association Marocaine de Catalyse et Environnement (AMCE) en collaboration avec l'Ecole des Mines de Douai - France. Cette dition regroupant plus de vingt pays vise le dveloppement des sciences et technologies relatives la gestion des sdiments et la cration de relation de coopration avec d'autres associations nationales et internationales et des organisations scientifiques publiques et prives.

Cette rencontre comprendra six demi-journes traitant les dernires recherches dans le domaine de la gestion des sdiments..

Bien cordialement

Prof. Abdelhak Kherbeche



Moroccan Association of Catalysis and Environment

BP. 6027, Fez – Adarissa, Fez, Morocco

Tel.: +212.661.08.17.34


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