Value of C - Coefficent of Conveyor Length

Posted in: , on 1. Oct. 2009 - 15:18

Dear All,

I have gone though some of the Conveyor Standard provided by the dunlop, phonix etc, where the value of C i.e the coefficent of conveyor lengh is very much different. I have laso went through the Indian standards IS 11592 where again these valve do not match with each other.

Please guide me on the above subject. I have stuck up here.


Shrinivas Bartakke

Thanks & Regards Shrinivas Bartakke ISGEC Heavy Engineering Ltd, Pune

Re: Value Of C - Coefficent Of Conveyor Length

Erstellt am 1. Oct. 2009 - 02:13

NEVER compare individual parts of different guides to the design of belt conveyors.

Compare the overall results if you want, NOT individual parts.