How to Reduce Degree of Freedom (DOF)

radia - Harbin Engineering University, PRC
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 30. Sep. 2009 - 12:01

HI to all

please can some one give me idea about how to reduse degree of freedom ? i have 6DOF i want to reduce it to 3DOF or 2DOF

i need to find a method how to reduce DOF in mobile platform

Thanks in advance


Mobile Platform

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2009 - 03:36

Would you be so kind as to explain in greater detail what you are asking us? I do not understand your question.

assuming it is mechanical:

Per wiikipedia-

In three dimensions the six degrees of freedom of a rigid body are sometimes described using these nautical names

Tilting side to side - rolling

Moving left and right- yawing

Tilting forwarfd and back - pitching

Moving up and down - heaving

Swaying - moving left and right

Moving forward and backward - surging

See also - Euler angles


Optimization Of Robotic Parallel Plateform

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2009 - 03:46

hi dears,

Can you help me about to reduce the DOF ( Degree Of Freedom) . I have 6 DOF of Robotic parallel plateform. I want to optimize it and make 3 DOF or 2 DOF. so please some one help me about its key ponit of my project . please gauid me about to reducing the DOF. i ll be thank full.

Thanks In advance.


Re: How To Reduce Degree Of Freedom (Dof)

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2009 - 04:29

I have a vague idea, but the questioner has given so little detail I really can't be bothered until we get a much more definitive question.

Optimiz The Dof,

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2009 - 05:04

Hi Dear , Gesigner And lzaharis,

Which kind of detail and question due you want to ask? tell me about i ll try to give you more and more detail about . actually i just want starting ponit from where i can make the strat my project i want to reduce the DOF of my parallel plateform, which current have 6 DOF i want to make calculation and algorithem about it .

Please help me

Thanks for reply me.


Re: How To Reduce Degree Of Freedom (Dof)

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2009 - 11:17

If I remember correctly the 6 degrees of freedom would be -

Translation in X axis

Translation in Y axis

Translation in Z axis

Rotation about X axis

Rotation about Y axis

Rotation about Z axis

So which of these degrees of freedom do you need to keep, and which do you need to fix?

Freedom's Just Another Word...

Erstellt am 1. Oct. 2009 - 09:44

The forums are getting quiet. Worthwhile topics are few & far between nowadays & this one certainly doesn't have much value.

radia - Harbin Engineering University, PRC
(not verified)

Optimiz The Dof,

Erstellt am 1. Oct. 2009 - 10:48

Hi Designer And lzaharis,

Thanks for reply, now i attach the diagram of parallel plateform,in which O point is virtual point it needs to be fixed means its all DOF= 0.

P1,P2 and P3 are rotational joints on X,Y and Z direction i want to fixe Z direction rotation means its DOF = 2

L1,L2 and L3 are linear motor (translation joints) means its DOF = 1

B1,B2 and B3 are same as P1,P2 and P3 so i want its DOF = 2.

can you please tell me how can i calculate these DOF of my parallel platform and how i can write algorithm for this ?

thanks in advance



parallel platformJPEG:forum_attachments/file_container/parallel platform.jpg (BMP)

Re: How To Reduce Degree Of Freedom (Dof)

Erstellt am 1. Oct. 2009 - 08:48

I believe you need an arrangement of six hydraulic cylinders or linear actuators joining the two platforms as indicated in the attached sketch.

That's as far as I can help you. You know, these forums are for matters related to BULK MATERIALS HANDLING, and as far as I can see this question has precious little to do with bulk materials handling.


platform (JPG)

Optimize Dof

Erstellt am 2. Oct. 2009 - 02:43

Hi Designer ,

Thanks if you find some thing else so please send it to me , my e-mail id is, and i have to use that plateform which i attached .

thanks once again.
