Vortex® Valves at Wolfson Centre

Posted in: , on 16. Sep. 2009 - 23:36

University gets a boost from Vortex

Students and researchers at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, Greenwich University, are set to benefit from a highly practical contribution by Vortex Valves.

The university has installed a Vortex Roller Gate valve, donated by the company, on the receiving hopper of a pneumatic conveying test rig. The rig measures conveying properties of a very wide range of powders, often as part of industrial research projects.

Professor Mike Bradley approached Vortex's UK office in Darlington after encountering repeated blocking problems with an existing valve in the test rig. He explains: "We frequently undertake consultancy for industry on system design and troubleshooting, and this rig is used to get the data we need. However, a butterfly valve, which had always been troublesome for powder flow, was wasting considerable time on test runs. The valve had been in service for many years and worked fine when handling free flowing powders, but contributed to difficult hopper discharge when handling cohesive powders."

"When the butterfly valve was open, the dimension between the wafer and the side of the bore was only a little over three inches, so it would contribute to hold-up with only mildly cohesive powders. This led to applying aeration and "manual percussive therapy" (!) of the hopper to get flow moving.

The replacement valve was required to fit straight into the system, in the footprint of the butterfly valve. Vortex responded by supplying a 10‰ Roller Gate, with custom-built 10‰ square to 8‰ round transitions to allow it to fit straight into the existing pipe-work. The upper transition also incorporated a special service inlet that ensured material flow was diverted away from seals and components. This greatly extends the life expectancy of the valve.

Using the new Vortex full-bore Roller Gate, the full diameter of the hopper outlet is now unimpeded. Mildly cohesive powders discharge unaided and even some slightly more cohesive powders are discharged more readily, with the aid of some aeration. The limitation is now in the hopper and is not made worse by the valve.

"The unit was provided on the agreed schedule, and shows excellent workmanship. We are very pleased with the result," adds Professor Bradley.

Jon Naylor, European Managing Director for Vortex Valves said: "I was extremely pleased to be able to help out the Wolfson Centre in this case. I‚m happy we have provided them with a versatile and long lasting valve that will serve them well for many years to come. At Vortex we are keen to support academic institutions in our industry, as it is nice to give something back to the organisations that helped put a lot of us where we are today.

"Also after all today‚s students are tomorrow‚s engineers so there‚s no harm in getting them used to our unique range of products good and early. I‚d like to invite any other academic institutions in need of equipment to contact me personally. I‚m sure we can help!".

Vortex Valves is renowned around the world for its support of academic institutions involved in bulk solids handling. In the past the company donated almost $100,000.00 worth of equipment to the state-of-the-art Hall Ross Flour Mill, at the Kansas State University in the USA. Recently in the UK, the company provided two gate valves for wind tunnel research into jet engine intake vortices at Cranfield University.

For more information, please visit:


href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/1780-vortex.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/1780-vortex.htm


href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&source=hp&q=vortex+valves+site%3Abulk-online.com&btnG=Google-Suche&lr=&aq=f&oq=" target="blank">http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&s...e&lr=&aq=f&oq=

Watch these Vortex Videos:


href="http://media.bulk-online.com/video/40/Vortex-Valves-The-Global-Leader-in-Valve-Solutions" target="blank">http://media.bulk-online.com/video/4...alve-Solutions


href="http://media.bulk-online.com/video/44/Vortex-Valves-Quantum-Series-Orifice-Gate" target="blank">http://media.bulk-online.com/video/4...s-Orifice-Gate


href="http://media.bulk-online.com/video/43/Vortex-Valves-KSU-Hal-Ross-Flour-Mill" target="blank">http://media.bulk-online.com/video/4...oss-Flour-Mill


href="http://media.bulk-online.com/video/42/Vortex-Valves-Fill-Pass-Diverter" target="blank">http://media.bulk-online.com/video/4...-Pass-Diverter


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