B&W Under-rail Samson™ Feeder

Posted in: , on 16. Sep. 2009 - 13:36

Under-rail Samson™ Feeder from B&W proves a winner again

One of the UK based B&W Mechanical Handling Limited’s latest orders is to supply a SUR rail-car unloading installation to the Russian cement manufacturer Suholozhskcement PJSC (Buzzi Unicem), located in the Sverdlovsk region of Ural Federal District.

B&W enjoys the benefits of being fully integrated into the substantial and respected International Aumund Group with strategically placed offices in more than 10 countries and representatives in over 40.

Utilising their well proven SUR under-rail system B&W are providing trouble free unloading for raw feed materials including gypsum, iron ore, and blast furnace slag. The SUR system comprises a 15 metre long, heavy duty 1600 series Samson™ apron belt style feeder located in a specially constructed shallow pit beneath the rails. This pit, typically with a depth of only 3.0 to 4.0 metres, provides major civil engineering cost savings when compared to a conventional ‘below rail’ hopper system that could be as deep as 15 metres, particularly when the steep valley angles necessary for reliable material flow have to be achieved. This smaller excavation is also an advantage for sites with a high ground water level or where hard rock is encountered close to the surface.

With a shallow pit the material free fall is minimised and, since the Apron-Belt of the Samson™ feeder is wider than the typical rail-car discharge, the material flows out¬ward reducing the velocity of the displaced air and thereby reducing dust generation.

This Samson™ feeder has been specifically engineered to allow the less conventional 70 tonne side-unloading rail-cars used by the customer to discharge effectively and without spillage and is the first installation of its type. A special weight relief plate is incorporated to keep the impact loads off the belt and the hydraulic power pack is sited out of the pit for ease of maintenance. It also has to withstand the extremes of a Siberian winter and will endure a temperature range of plus 35 to minus 30 degrees Celsius.

With the deflected chassis design the raised discharge pro¬vides an ideal transfer to the fol¬lowing conveyor which, thanks to the shallow pit depth, may be of reduced length and therefore reduced energy input saving on capital and running costs.

This SUR order follows recent successful B&W installations for under-rail unloading in Spain at Cimpor Cordoba handling cement clinker, 5 underground Samsons in Brazil at Port Santos receiving sugar from 6 Rail Wagons simultaneously and in Argentina at Juan Minetti S.A. handling coal and petroleum coke. The equipment will be delivered to Russia in summer 2009.

For more information, please visit:


href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/8808-b-w-mechanical-handling.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile...l-handling.htm


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href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/8058-aumund-fördertechnik.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile...dertechnik.htm


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