Optimzation of Belt Conveyor Design

Posted in: , on 22. Aug. 2009 - 16:22

Dear Sir,

I send you the text of my lecture to the Forum Infovrac, entitled:

How to optimize the design, usage and maintenance of belt conveyors

- Regulatory references to calculate and optimize belt conveyors -

I present my conception of conveyors, elaborated from the 1st principle of the "new approach":

- Delete all components presenting a risk and who have no technical justification.

As you can read it, my solutions, in the conveyor domain, are radical. Besides reaching a very high safety level, the reliability of machines, the costs of purchases, maintenance, exploitation, are very successful.

I attach the article as pdf below.

Wishing you good reading,

Best regards,

Marc des RIEUX


Quartier Saint Ruff / Route de Beaumont


Office :+33 475 569 215

Cell. : *+33 620 795 047

Voip : *+33 970 448 414

Fax * : +33 492 948 605

conference23-06-2009_optimize design

href="http://www.expert-convoyeurs.com" target="blank">www.expert-convoyeurs.com

Additional information:

conference23-06-2009_optimize design

href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&client=safari&rls=en&q=Belt+conveyor+design+site%3Abulk-online.com&btnG=Suche&lr=" target="blank">http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&c...btnG=Suche&lr=


conference23-06-2009_optimize design (PDF)

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