Digging Resistance of Bucket Wheel Reclaimer

Peter Robinson - Hatch Assoc., Australia
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Jun. 2009 - 05:35

Hi Guys,

Im doing my honours thesis at Newcastle uni, Australia, and am investigating the various resistances imposed on a bucket wheel during reclaiming operation (reclaiming - not excavating). I have seperated these resistances into:

  • The lift weight of the material, which I have derived

  • The digging force as the bucket cuts through the material

  • The lateral force as the bucket slews through the stockpile

  • Various chute resistances


I am having trouble finding previous research done on this topic, for reclaimers. I know that a lot of work has been done on the topic, but Im having trouble finding it because its usually in another language. Can anyone help me out? If the document isnt in english, Im more than happy to translate it.

Let me know if you need any more information, or alternatively my work email is:




Re: Digging Resistance Of Bucket Wheel Reclaimer

Erstellt am 15. Jan. 2010 - 11:23

Dear Mr. Peter,

I can give you cutting resistance of bucket wheel reclaimer. It is as given below.

1. 75-125 pound per inch. for Iron ore pellet /gravel

2.125-200 pound per inch for Iron ore.

For Lateral force , please refer Book written by Rasper.

What you want to mean by CHUTE RESISTANCE ? Not clear. I opine that every thing you will get from book / hand book.



Peter Robinson - Hatch Assoc., Australia
(not verified)

Re: Digging Resistance Of Bucket Wheel Reclaimer

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2010 - 03:21

Dear Mr Banerjee,

I appreciate your reply. I have read Wohlbier's book detailing those values for Iron ore, however I am attempting a theoretical approach (using geometry of the bucket and stockpile, and bulk properties of the material), which will hopefully give me values similar to those you mentioned. Im trying (fingers crossed) to be able to input properties of the bucket wheel and bulk material into a formula, and it will estimate the torque and power required. Hopefully this will increase the flexibility of reclaimers.

Regarding the lateral forces, I havent heard of this book by rasper. Are you able to give me the title and year, so I can research this? It sounds like this may very well be useful to the research.

As for the chute resistance. By this Im referring to cell-less reclaimers, where the material is compressed and dragged against a slider plate, until it reaches the discharge height. This doesnt really relate to my research, as I am mainly focussed on the cutting resistance.

Again, I appreciate your insight.



Re: Digging Resistance Of Bucket Wheel Reclaimer

Erstellt am 30. Aug. 2010 - 07:15

Dear Mr. Peter,

As I remember, the reclaiming force or energy is to be counted for: 1) Material lifting work. 2) Bucket digging resistance (material cutting resistance). 3) Material filling resistance into bucket. 4) The material friction against chutes or circular plate. So your mentioned heading for reclaiming force or reclaiming energy by bucket wheel are correct.

As for the cutting work, the bucket tip detaches the coma shaped material. So in the process it has to cut into the material and also there will be frictional drag to the bucket by outside material. There are theoretical formulae for the same but finally one has to also do the testing and use the values accordingly. Also you will need certain testing for input values in the formulae. You may contact manufacturers of bucket wheel reclaimers in your country and they may give you generalised information. The specific calculations are of proprietary nature and manufacturers / designers will mostly not divulge it.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Pune, India.

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916

Email: parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Re: Digging Resistance Of Bucket Wheel Reclaimer

Erstellt am 2. Sep. 2010 - 04:58

Dear experts,

1) What are the protective devices are used in reclaimer for protecting the buckets ? I tried zero speed switch ( ZSS also known as Speed OK switches ). But not effective.

2) If the reclaimer boom sides are approaching the material heap, how the reclaimer is stopped? We have ropes to activate limit switch. But not satisfactory.
