Powder Weighing

Posted in: , on 21. May. 2009 - 17:18


I'm carrying out some research and would really be grateful if anyone could help me with an idea. I need to weigh some powder (50-100g max) inside a spring which is about 30mm in internal diameter. However, the spring is attached at the bootom to a thread. think a load cell would work because it would have to be isolated in order to get an accurate reading for the powder weight. I'm not sure what else to try out. Any help would be appreciated.

Dear Purplish,

Erstellt am 28. May. 2009 - 01:47

Think along the lines of an analog; something like an optical sensor or perhaps a volumetric sensor with output analogous to the weight. It is then often possible to refine or trim the analog output signal to become proportional to the weight of the powder in the spring through the application of a series of measurements and using applied statistics across the range of desired weight gains or losses. You will also need to determine the degree of precision you can obtain and relate that to the process.


Erstellt am 30. Jun. 2009 - 03:30

Thank you Kevin for your reply, I aplogize for the late reply, didn't know there was a reply to my post. I should have mentioned that the spring would be opened and closed during the process, and that air is passed though, however, this can be switched off. I don't have any experience with sensors, I have looked up volumetric sensors but nothing much seems to come up. there was a typo in my previous post, it should have said that "I think a load cell would NOT work" as it would need to be isolated to prevent errors. I have also considered using a piezo sensor, however, it would not be able to measure static particles. So I'm abit stuck here. I would appreciate any help.


(not verified)

Re: Powder Weighing

Erstellt am 17. Mar. 2010 - 01:26

An apparatus for automatically and accurately weighing powder materials comprising powder containers containing powder materials, respectively, to be weighed, powder cups for directly receiving powder material from the powder containers, respectively, and means for automatically feeding the powder material from one of the powder containers to one of the weighing cups through a feeder is disclosed. Each of the powder containers is integrally provided with the feeder so that one powder material fed into the weighing cup through the feeder is prevented from contaminating with other powder materials and therefore, the powder material can be accurately weighed. The powder container includes means for improving the accuracy of weighing.

(not verified)

Re: Powder Weighing

Erstellt am 14. May. 2010 - 07:10

Working with powders be it for precise weighing, normal working or dealing with possible suspect items of one type or another can be a hazardous process requiring varying degrees of protection to be provided for workers and to the environment.