INTERCEM Workshop, Frankfurt

INTERCEM Workshop: "Weathering the Storm", 18th-19th May, Frankfurt

INTERCEM Conferences are the world's leading international cement industry events.

Our aim in the Workshop is to provide a forum where all elements of the industry can come together to examine not just where we really are as an industry, but more importantly, what can be expected in the next 6-12 months and how can companies survive and even thrive.

This one and a half day Workshop will be divided into 3 sessions: the first will focus on the economic reality, the status quo and outlook specifically for cement and construction, plus potential solutions and opportunities. The second will be dedicated to production efficiencies (technology, systems, additives etc) and energy management, leading to increases in cost-efficiency and profitability. The final session will look at the impact of environmental and sustainability issues plus emissions trading. The Workshop will be rounded off with a panel session offering reasons for optimism.

Unlike a ‘normal’ INTERCEM conference devoted largely to presentations alone, we will be actively encouraging interactive audience participation and will be leaving several time periods for it. This will allow various viewpoints to be expressed and should be generally valuable and rewarding, enabling attendees to return to their offices better equipped to deal with the current challenges.

Further details can be found on

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