Eccentric-shaft Vibrator Design

Posted in: , on 5. May. 2009 - 16:42

Hi all

I'm a mechanical engineering student in my final year tasked with the design of an inclined double deck vibrating screen (From "first principles" )capable of screening 800 TPH of coal.

I've calculated my screen areas (6m x 2.4m) and done most of the design of the "body work"

My problem now however is to design the eccentric/ counterweighted shaft capable of producing the right amount of stroke at the correct RPM.

Basically I'm looking for any literature/guidelines etc which may be able to point me in the right direction with this.

Any and all feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Re: Eccentric-Shaft Vibrator Design

Erstellt am 6. May. 2009 - 10:02

Why counter weight shaft design? Why not exciters?

I find exciters are more maintenance friendly.


Re: Eccentric-Shaft Vibrator Design

Erstellt am 12. May. 2009 - 07:36

The only "literature" you are going to find is the VEMA books you can buy for around $30 here. The information is basically a collection of industry wisdom gathered over the last few decades that includes a design method for sizing a screen based on throughput, slope, screen opening, stroke etc. It will not tell you how to design the drive-shaft beyond recommending a certain stroke for a given situation.

What sort of screen is this going to be? A two bearing with counterweights to produce the stroke using a straight shaft or a four bearing one where the counterweights exists to counteract the stroke induced by the eccentric machined into the shaft itself?

If you decided to use a screen of 155 square feet to do 800 TPH then you must be intending to use a screen opening around 1.5"(~40mm) in size according to a "back of the envelope" guesstimate. A 1.5" screen at around 20 degree of slope would "typically" be run at 3/8 stroke at around 800-900rpm.

A two bearing screen would require you to use the weight of your screen plus material to size a set of counterweights to generate about 3/8" of average throw.

A four bearing screen would have you getting the shaft machined with a 3/16" eccentric to produce the 3/8" throw and sizing the counterweights properly to balance out the vibration before it gets to your mounts.

If you want to use vibrators(exciters) then just look at a manufactures catalog at their various dynamic moment ratings and mounting instructions see how to properly size and fit one or more of them.

A rule of thumb is big screen openings use big strokes and slow speeds, all things being equal.

Re: Eccentric-Shaft Vibrator Design

Erstellt am 27. Jul. 2009 - 11:55


Go for grease lubricated unbalanced shaft mechanisms - it is easier to design.



Ziggy Gregory