Dematic Market Research

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 4. May. 2009 - 17:55


I am a first year Marketing Student at the University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada. I am doing a project on the Material Handling Industry having Dematic as center of the project. (Each student got a different company) I found this forum and I belive that many of you would know about this market. I was wondering if any of you can help me out. For this project, I need to define:

a) Market Size

b) Key Players / Dematic's competition

c) Market Share for each Key Player

d) Dematic's position within the market.

I see that the market handling industry is very large and diverse were there are some players that are leaders in one segment but not in others so these segment leaders might not be top players in the industry as a whole. I have not been able to find this information by myself. (not in the library nor in the internet). Would any of you be able to either let me know the information that I need or point me in the right direction to find it? I do not need to have certified information, in other words, an estimated/educated guess would work for my project presentation.

Please let me know if any one can help with this

Ernest Palfi

Re: Dematic Market Research

Erstellt am 4. May. 2009 - 05:00

Having checked their web site, I'm not sure bulk materials handling covers their areas of expertise so you may need to look elsewhere for assistance.

Dematic provide solutions for:

- Retail Grocery

- General Merchandise

- Apparel

- E-retail

- Wholesale

- Food & Beverage

- Manufacturing and Finished Goods

Dematic Etc.

Erstellt am 5. May. 2009 - 04:36
Quote Originally Posted by erneststudentView Post

I am a first year Marketing Student at the University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada. I am doing a project on the Material Handling Industry having Dematic as center of the project. (Each student got a different company) I found this forum and I belive that many of you would know about this market. I was wondering if any of you can help me out. For this project, I need to define:

a) Market Size

b) Key Players / Dematic's competition

c) Market Share for each Key Player

d) Dematic's position within the market.

I see that the market handling industry is very large and diverse were there are some players that are leaders in one segment but not in others so these segment leaders might not be top players in the industry as a whole. I have not been able to find this information by myself. (not in the library nor in the internet). Would any of you be able to either let me know the information that I need or point me in the right direction to find it? I do not need to have certified information, in other words, an estimated/educated guess would work for my project presentation.

Please let me know if any one can help with this

Ernest Palfi


You shoukd be looking at the fortune magazine web site and the united states

department of commerce as they will be able to help you with everything.


Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Dematic Etc

Erstellt am 5. May. 2009 - 12:50

Hi Ernest,

currently involved in materials handling are:

DEMAG cranes & components (market ~ name)

DEMATIC GmbH (materials handling & logistics) (ex Siemens Dematic).

As far as I know there's no branch of DEMA... strongly involved in bulk mat. handling, as is this forum.

For all the rest (as there's a lot of movement right now): check the local contacts on their resp. websites.


(not verified)


Erstellt am 5. May. 2009 - 05:32

Thank you all for your advice.... Do any of you know of other forums that could be more apropiate for my request?
