Caking Test

Posted in: , on 6. Apr. 2009 - 15:01

We have in our company one product prepared by a batch-wise process,. The product has a strrong tendency to cake once removed from the dryer. We assign this behavior to an improper particle size distribution caused by an uncontrolled crystallization. The product never caked in the laboratory or in the pilot but id does cake when the product is packed in 25 kg. bags that are put on a pallet in several layers.

We intend to develop an improved process but we fear that the laboratory test we have (compressing the powder with air in rubber tubes) do not give a sure response if the product does not cake in the test. I mean: if it cakes in the test it will test also in plant but if it doesn't this does not mean tha in the plant it will beahave similarly.

Does anybody knows about a reliable test for caking/non-caking?


Re: Caking Test

Erstellt am 6. Apr. 2009 - 02:57

In the case of bulk materials, if you do a test try and do it full size.