Spam On The Forums

Erstellt am 28. Feb. 2009 - 10:16


Thank you, it is more than slightly irritating!

We are spending at least 1.5 hours each day with deleting bad registrations and spam posts. On an average we "ban" some 10 persons each day, usually right after registration before they get a chance to post.

We also deleted several of those "baghouse" posts. These posters do not care if the post started in 2006 or ealier, they are adding their "comments" again and again.

I promise to delete more posts in the future. Please help me. Due to the sheer volume of new posts it is difficult to locate spam or too commercialized posts.

I welcome your cooperation in telling me what should be deleted. And if posts have to be relocated.

These are "Help"-Forums, and marketing and advertising should be restricted as much as possible. Those messages can be posted in the "News from Industry" section, but also here will we have to adopt stronger measures.

Reinhard H. Wohlbier

Re: Advertising In Threads

Erstellt am 28. Feb. 2009 - 10:25
Quote Originally Posted by AuthorView Post
We are spending at least 1.5 hours each day with deleting bad registrations and spam posts. On an average we "ban" some 10 persons each day, usually right after registration before they get a chance to post.

You have my sympathy in this thankless task.

Re: Advertising In Threads

Erstellt am 2. Mar. 2009 - 08:43

There are some jaw crusher & grab manufacturers who post so late they would not be in time to jump in with a replacement...but they keep on trying. They are very trying, but they are legion and probably also sponsors.

Sometimes the mention can be useful but most times they are quite irritating. It's the old problem with free speech.

Even in the "News from Industry" section we read submissions from Consultants and local Agents which were posted long after the machine should have been built, let alone designed. That automatically reflects on their professionalism & therefore should be allowed to continue; in the interests of professionalism...just my opinion.

Re: Advertising In Threads

Erstellt am 2. Mar. 2009 - 11:48

I would point out I have no objection to the posting by a manufacturer of a reply suggesting the use of his system/machine/component as a solution to a problem where help is being requested.

What Are Guidelines

Erstellt am 13. Mar. 2009 - 04:03

I post from time to time when a topic seems relevent to filtration to let people know about our company. What are the guidelines on this?

Re: Advertising In Threads

Erstellt am 13. Mar. 2009 - 10:50
Quote Originally Posted by jbernsleyView Post
I post from time to time when a topic seems relevent to filtration to let people know about our company. What are the guidelines on this?

One guidleline would be the level of relevant contribution. If your equipment & experience are directly relevant to the thread then your reply is going to be valued. Mere mention of a company & a scant outline of its activities does not develop the thread quality. Nor does it endear that company to the constructive forum members.

Our grouse relates to blanket replies for jaw crushers, dust suppresion additives & the like which swamp almost every mention involving a new project. If somebody asks anything about a particular quarry operation there is an automatic input about eg. Zenith Crushers. I would personally never consider one of those simply because the delivery time ought to be very long if the sales pitch has any usefulness. i.e. with all their gabbing on their order book must be so full...unless their gear is rubbish. It's just the way a Consultant learns to think.

On the other hand there are companies who hide their light under a bushel & just dive in when the time is right. They are not forgotten. I never knew about firms who specialise in replacing slewing rings until they posted on the relevant thread.

Advertising In Threads

Erstellt am 13. Mar. 2009 - 11:34

I fully agree with louispanjang.

We do not need strict rules in writing if users, and especially sales personell from manufacturing companies, would try not to commercialize too much.

Multiple entries wil be deleted. www-addresses will sometimes be deleted or substituted by respective eDirectory addresses, because this is the only way we can pay for the Portal, and a real good Directory for this market could beat Google any time. I admit we are still a far way from this point.

In general this Portal is used by many equipment manufacturers for advertising purposes, but only a fraction consider the fact that somebody has to pay for all this.

Reinhard Wohlbier



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