Ingredient Handling Problem

Posted in: , on 23. Feb. 2009 - 17:57


Extensive powder handling experience leads to unique solution

Royston, GA - When a new corporate client became frustrated by multiple failed attempts to develop a reconstitutable powder to provide an alternative to their very large, hard-to-swallow tablet regimen, Pharma Tech Industries was called upon to develop a formulation that could be delivered in a convenient, single-dose sachet.

At the outset, the alternative powder concept seemed clear and simple to the client’s marketing department, but quickly became burdened by manufacturing and packaging challenges. The client, both surprised and frustrated by the inconsistent material characteristics and the inability to achieve content uniformity, was on the brink of abandoning the product launch, when it called upon Pharma Tech Industries.

Pharma Tech Industries brought together a cross-functional, in-house team that was able to diagnose, investigate and remedy the problem by applying knowledge, experience and resources.

Although the customer thought the problem was a material handling issue, Pharma Tech Industries quickly determined that the problem was, in fact, a formulation problem associated with variations in particle sizing.

According to Pharma Tech Industries’ President, Carl Oberg, “powder is a unique format that shares some of the material characteristics of solids with flow characteristics more like liquid, and it has a long-standing reputation for causing distinctive processing challenges. Powder filling requires material uniformity, consistency and even flow during the powder filling process and when particle size variations occur, it can in some instances, cause a significant amount of particulate to become airborne”.

Through its extensive background in powder blending, Pharma Tech proposed some minor changes to the excipients and binders within the active formulation. This unique re-formulating approach met efficacy levels and provided the consistent, uniform, easily controlled product flow required to meet validation and compliance standards. At the same time, it eliminated unnecessary and undesirable ingredients from the formulation.

Pharma Tech Industries, Inc., is a family and key-employee owned pharmaceutical contract manufacturer and packager that provides strategic outsource services for product development, technology transfer and turnkey manufacturing of pharmaceutical and personal care products.

A workforce of 300 operates from convenient, strategic locations in Union, MO and Royston, GA to offer high quality, closer-to-home contract outsourcing services. A dedicated project management team, a knowledgeable and experienced domestic workforce and strong cGMP systems enable customers to exceed quality and service objectives with cost saving efficiencies.

For more information, please visit:


Problems with reformulating a large, hard-to-swallow tablet into a powder-filled sachet were solved by Pharma Tech Industries through a reformulating solution that drew upon a cross-functional team with knowledge, experience and in-house resources for powder manufacturing and packaging.


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