Looking for Silicone Belt

Posted in: , on 20. Feb. 2009 - 10:51

Looking for silicone belt:

We are looking for belt made in silicon, currently we use a white belt with 3 plies, produced COMPLETELY in silicone (not just coated on the surface).

We want to find an alternative supplier with shorter production times.

Found in the pdf attachment some pictures and technical data.


silicone belt (PDF)

^__^ Tnx [URL="www.cfsystem.it"]www.cfsystem.it [B]Nastri trasportatori - Conveyors belt[/B][/URL] [URL="www.conveyor-belt-sushi.com/"]www.conveyor-belt-sushi.com [B]Sushi conveyor[/B][/URL] [URL="www.nastri-trasportatori.net/en.html"]www.nastri-trasportatori.net [B]PORTABLE CONVEYOR SYSTEM[/B] [SIZE=1]For construction - demolition – renovation – restoration – consolidation - sub-foundation Transport debris and rubble - gardens maintenance – archaeology - excavating for pools Landscaping - environmental funds - inaccessible places - mining and tunnelling[/SIZE][/URL]
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