SibMining 2009 Novosibirsk

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SibMining 2009

I would like to inform you about the 11th international specialised exhibition of equipment and technologies for mining and processing of minerals ‘SibMining’, which will take place on 21-23 April 2009 in the International Exhibition Centre, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia.

‘SibMining’ is part of the MiningWorld portfolio of exhibitions, organised by the ITE Group, and is a major event for the Siberian mining industry. The event will be held alongside ‘Geo-Siberia’ – the 5th specialised exhibition and congress for the fields of geodesy, cartography, geology, geophysics and GIS technologies – and the ‘Siberian Oil and Gas’ exhibition.

In 2008, these events welcomed 8,000 visitors and featured over 300 exhibitors from 16 countries.

A large number of companies have already shown interest in exhibiting at ‘SibMining’ as major players in the international mining industry recognise the potential of the region.

For more information about the ‘Sibmining’ exhibition, please contact me.

Kind regards,

Anna Aleinikova

ITE Group plc

T: +44 20 7596 5186

F: +44 20 7596 5096



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