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Posted in: , on 30. Jan. 2009 - 10:22

CHoPS = 6th Int. Conf. for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids

ICBMH = 10th Int. Conf. on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling & Transportation

BULKEX = Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials Handling Exhibition

3-7 August 2009,

Brisbane, Australia

...covering all Nano-Particle, Particle, Powder and Bulk Material technologies.

Abstracts are due on 13 February 2009.

Submissions from INDUSTRY are most Welcome!!

(case studies, latest technologies, etc).

Some sample Tracks for CHoPS+ICBMH include:

Mechanical and Belt Conveying Technology

Track chair: Prof. Gabriel Lodewijks, Delft University of Technology

Simulation and Modelling of Particulates and Systems

Track chair: Prof. Jin Ooi, University of Edinburgh

Particulate Solids Sensing Techniques

Track chair: Prof. Georg Brasseur, Graz University of Technology

Design, Production & Delivery of Particulate Products

Track chair: Prof. Jim Litster, Purdue University

100s of abstracts have been received to date - many thanks to the respective authors.

We are going through all the abstracts currently and will be notifying the authors

accordingly. There is still time to submit your Abstract – see the Conference website.

Exhibition space for BULKEX also is selling fast. This major combined event is shaping

up to be something really special indeed!! Also, the Sponsorship and

networking/collaboration opportunities will be tremendous (and unprecedented).


I look forward to welcoming everyone to Brisbane, Australia and this exciting event in August 2009.


Dr. Peter Wypych


See also:


banner (PNG)

chops_2009_2 (JPG)

bulkexlogo_09 (GIF)

Chops + Icbmh + Bulkex

Erstellt am 13. May. 2009 - 05:11

CHoPS = 6th International Conf. for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids

ICBMH = 10th International Conf. on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling & Transportation

BULKEX = Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials Handling Exhibition

3-7 August 2009, Brisbane, Australia:

...covering all Bulk Materials, Powder and Nano-Particle technologies

Two (2) Important “INDUSTRY” Announcements!!


A Special Submission for the CHoPS+ICBMH conference has been announced recently

on the CHoPS website for Papers from INDUSTRY dealing with latest technologies, case

studies, industrial problems and solutions, design/modelling, and so on.


• Paper Title and Abstract submission by 29 May 2009 (via on-line abstract submission

or direct email to Conference Chair).

• Full Paper submission by 12 June 2009 (via direct email to Conference Chair).


(a) These papers will NOT be peer-reviewed, but will be checked (and edited, if

necessary) by the Conference Chair;

(b) Further papers also can be received from the Scientific Community (e.g. universities,

research organisations, etc) – such papers can be published in journals after the


(c) All papers must be prepared according to the official Style Guide (that can be

downloaded from the CHoPS website);

(d) Papers should be limited to technical content and must not contain any advertising or



By participating in the CHoPS+ICBMH conference, delegates will be allowed entry to

BULKEX, the Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials Handling Exhibition, which is being held on 4-6

August 2009 (under the same roof as CHoPS+ICBMH!!). BULKEX will also be running

Special “Industry” presentations and workshops.

With this Special combined event, INDUSTRY suppliers, practitioners, designers, etc will

have tremendous opportunities to:

(a) exhibit at BULKEX;

(b) present technical/case study papers at CHoPS+ICBMH (see above);

(c) present seminars/workshops at BULKEX;

(d) learn from and interact with the world-leading experts in the fields of Bulk Material,

Powder and Nano-Particle technologies (at CHoPS+ICBMH+BULKEX);

(e) sponsor numerous activities at this Special combined event;

(f) network with a wide spectrum of people from the Industry and Scientific communities.

I dare you to miss it!!

Peter Wypych


Chops + Icbmh + Bulkex

Erstellt am 16. Jun. 2009 - 11:26

CHoPS + ICBMH, 3-7 August 2009, Brisbane, Australia

Early Bird DISCOUNT has been extended until 26 June 2009:

Conference UPDATE

Some key speakers from around the world have been invited to make special

presentations at the CHoPS+ICBMH Conference. A summary of the Opening Address and

some Keynote Addresses and Plenary Papers is provided below.

A summary of Major Tracks also is provided at the end of this message.

(a) Opening Address:

“Integrating Scientific and Industry Communities”

Professor Judy Raper, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Wollongong,


(b) Keynote Address

“Scaling Rules for High Shear Granulation: A Case Study for Pharmaceutical Granulation”

by Professor Jim Litster, Pursue University, USA

(c) Keynote Address

“The Environmental Impact of Transport Systems”

by Professor Gabriel Lodewijks, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

(d) Keynote Address

“Recent Advances in Bulk Materials Handling – A UK Perspective”

by Professor Alan Reed, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

(e) Keynote Address

“Are Some Pneumatic Conveying Problems Wicked?”

by Professor George Klinzing, University of Pittsburgh, USA

(f) Keynote Address

“Particulate Solids Sensing Techniques”

by Professor Georg Brasseur, Graz University of Technology, Austria

(g) Plenary Paper

“Dust Explosions: A Report on Recent Major Explosions in Argentina & Brazil”

by Roberto D. Hajnal, International Business Director of TMSA Group Brazil / Bulktech


MAJOR TRACKS (with grouped Paper Topic Areas)

The Technical Sessions of the CHoPS+ICBMH Conference will be run on 4, 5, 6 and 7

August 2009. Due to the large number of papers, Four to Five parallel tracks will be run

over this time period. Numerous papers will be presented by both Industry and the

Scientific communities. Papers have been grouped according to topic areas (see dot

points below), which are summarised in generic Tracks.

Track 1: Computer Simulations & Validations

• Chute modelling and design

• Calibration and validation

• Moisture, shape and cohesion

• Flow properties and industrial applications

Track 2: Design & Production of Particulates

• Particle surface modification

• High shear granulation

• Powder compression/compaction

• Nano-particle and particle strength characteristics

Track 3: Environmental Aspects & Dust Hazards

• Dust generation and control

• Dust explosions

• Environmental impacts

• Industrial operations: mining, port facilities, packaging

Track 4: Fluidisation

• Vibration and gas distributor effects

• Cohesive powders

• Latest modelling methods

Track 5: Measurement, Control and Instrumentation

• Sampling and optical sorting

• Wireless monitoring

• Measurement of particle degradation

• New measurement methods

Track 6: Mechanical Conveying & Feeding

• Power consumption and tracking issues

• Latest conveyor and modelling technologies

• Conveyor transfers and trajectories

• Skirting and cleaning systems

Track 7: Modelling and Fundamentals

• CFD and DEM simulation issues

• Modelling of industrial processes

• Particle and bulk properties

• Fine particle suspensions and flows

Track 8: Particle & Bulk Characterisation

• Powder properties and rheology

• Consolidation behaviour, bulk strength and cohesion

• Scale-up issues and effects

• Shear and flowability testers

Track 9: Particle & Powder Technology

• Inhalation drug delivery

• Aerosol performance of dry powders

• Fundamental properties: agglomeration; surface roughness; aerodynamics;

flowability; attrition; triboelectric charging

• Stress modelling and measurement

Track 10: Pneumatic, Hydraulic & Capsule Conveying

• Latest developments in modelling and design: pressure loss; velocity; minimum

transport; rheology; CFD; DEM

• Scale-up procedures

• Measurement of key parameters: concentration; solids mass flow rate; velocity

• Dilute- and dense-phase conveying

Track 11: Segregation & Mixing

• Predicting, minimising and quantifying segregation

• Segregation mechanisms

• Quality control issues

• Mixing and particle mixtures

Track 12: Size Enlargement & Reduction

• Grinding performance and energy

• Milling kinetics

• Crushing optimisation

Track 13: Storage & Flow

• Review of silo codes

• Cohesive powder discharge

• Homogenising silos

• Storage facility loads and stresses

• Industrial developments and case studies

Peter Wypych



Erstellt am 20. Jul. 2009 - 12:36

CHoPS+ICBMH+BULKEX, 3-7 August 2009, Brisbane

Conference and Exhibition UPDATE

The 3 Key Issues you need to know about this special event...

No. 1:

Over 140 Papers from 29 Countries in the following 12 Major Tracks will be presented at the “industry-scientific” CHoPS+ICBMH Conference, which will cover all nano, particle, powder and bulk material technologies.

oComputer Simulations & Validations

oDesign, Production & Processing of Particulates

oEnvironmental Aspects & Dust Hazards


oMeasurement, Control & Instrumentation

oMechanical Conveying & Feeding

oModelling & Fundamentals

oParticle & Bulk Characterisation

oParticle & Powder Technology

oPneumatic, Hydraulic & Capsule Conveying

oSegregation & Mixing

oStorage, Flow & Handling

No. 2:

A Preliminary Conf. Program can be downloaded from:

No. 3:

The Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials & Powder Handling Exhibition BULKEX:

...will run on 4-6 August under the same roof as CHoPS+ICBMH. BULKEX delegates can choose to attend CHoPS+ICBMH by registering for 1 or 2 days or even for the full 4-Day Conference (with 4 parallel tracks). The Final Conf. Program, which will provide Track and Paper details for each day will be available shortly from the CHoPS website.

NOTE: the “full” Registration Fee, which includes the Welcome Reception on 3 August and the Gala Banquet on 5 August, is actually cheaper than two single-day registrations!!

CHoPS+ICBMH Registration can be completed via the website:, or can be arranged “on the day” at the CHoPS+ICBMH Registration Desk on the Mezzanine Level of the BCEC:

I look forward to welcoming you to Brisbane in August 2009 and to this special combined CHoPS+ICBMH+BULKEX event.

Peter Wypych