CSC Scientific + Moisture Register

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Posted in: , on 14. Jan. 2009 - 11:07

CSC Scientific Announces NIR On-line Moisture

(Fairfax, Virginia USA) - CSC Scientific Company, Inc. announces a new affiliation with Moisture Register, a division of Aqua Measure Instrument Co., to distribute on-line moisture measurement and control equipment. The CSC Company experience spans the moisture methods of Loss on Drying, Capacitance and Karl Fischer. In joining this background with the Moisture Register’s experience with NIR on-line moisture detection and control a prospect can now get from a single source, CSC Scientific, unbiased advice on the most appropriate equipment to use for virtually any moisture measurement and moisture control need.

CSC has been manufacturing loss-on drying moisture equipment for over six decades. The CSC Cenco moisture balance was the first direct reading moisture analyzer. More than 20 years ago the company began to offer moisture instruments based on capacitance technology. In the 1990's CSC developed the CSC Digital Moisture Balance which was the first electronic loss on drying moisture analyzer designed for the difficult environments of the production line. In 2000, CSC introduced the Aquapal, a Karl Fischer low moisture measurement titrator. This history resulted in an extensive scope of moisture measurement know-how.

The Moisture Register model 901 is based on a long standing patent that compensates for loss of on-line product, reduction of volume of product flow, calibration simplicity, and operational reliability.

With the addition of the 901 NIR on-line moisture meter, CSC offers the experience to develop a plan that delivers moisture detection equipment for nearly any industrial moisture measurement need. This covers traditional loss-on drying equipment, rapid results capacitance instruments, low moisture detection Karl Fischer titration, and on-line (in-line) NIR meters.

This wide range of capability and experience gives the person needing a moisture solution, a source of seasoned and objective recommendations that will present the optimum mix of equipment.

For more information, please visit:


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