CR Plate Price Decline to Slow Down

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 18. Dec. 2008 - 05:05

CR plate market showed no indications of recovery with continuously price decline in recent days and merchants were pessimistic about later market. However, analysts predicted that the price decline of CR plate will probably not stop in a short period but will slow down and turn to be stable.

According to market research, price of CR plate in Shanghai kept decreasing last week, with the average decline at 200 Yuan per ton. This is the same with markets in other areas. For example, the price fell 150-200 Yuan per ton with one week in Hangzhou city and Jinan city. Besides, the price decline trend was so string that there seemed to be no indications of recovery with poor transactions and strong wait-and-see attitude. Merchants predicted that price decline will continue so they dared not to increase inventory as demands remained decreasing.

Because market resources kept increasing, which intensified the contradiction between the supply and the demand, some analyst denoted. News from steel enterprises showed that CR plate inventory remained high which caused great pressure. Steel enterprises are eager to sell even at low prices to speed up inventory delivery, which affected spot price directly. For example, the current price of 1.0mm CR plate was only around 3,750-3,950 Yuan per ton in east China, down 150-300 Yuan per ton. It’s from

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Re: Cr Plate Price Decline To Slow Down

Erstellt am 18. Dec. 2008 - 08:08

Hi dear

Well its concievable that given the kind of voltality in market you cannot expect the price to recede upto your anticipated level. There is divided openion about sustainibility of market. But having the look over the velocity and with high quantum market reacted by recessionalibility of global market we cannot expect the get the market sustain for couple of quater from now. Altogather its the culprit of bankruptcy declared by some globalised financial institutions.

Lets keep focus on market sceniorio how it effect the price of commidity . Presumably i would say its a worst situation which anybody ever would have thought. To give the cheers for ourselves we can rather focus on oscillatory momentum of inflation aspect


Rahul Chaubey
