Underground Coal Mining

Posted in: , on 17. Dec. 2008 - 11:45

Mining is one of the most hazardous industries as it has to be performed under potentially unsafe and unhealthy conditions even with substantial technological improvements. The mine fatality rate which was at its peak during 1908 has been significantly reduced with the new technological developments and effective safety measures.

According to mining safety statistics from 1983-2004, it has been reported that there were more than 3 million lost workdays associated with mining injuries. Statistical results also showed that the probability of an injury having 10 or more lost workdays was 0.52 for coal mine cases versus 0.35 for metal/nonmetal mining injuries.

Mine Safety and Health Administration will publish a proposed rule to enhance miner safety and implement the recommendations of the Technical Study Panel on the Utilization of Belt Air and Composition and Fire Retardant Properties of Belt Material in Underground Coal Mining, based on the mining safety statistical analysis of various years. Mining industry management and labor, and the federal government's Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), have made intense effort on decreasing accidents, improving miner training and minimizing unhealthy workplace conditions.

Here is a link that might be useful: Coal Mining

(not verified)

Clean Coal Power

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2008 - 07:17

No less than 38% of all electricity is generated by burning it - more than gas and nuclear combined. The US alone has over 150 new coal power plants planned or being built - and China opens a new one every five days.

Even in the UK, despite the near closure of the mining industry and the accompanying ‘dash for gas’ in the power sector, coal-fired generation still meets one third of our electricity demand.

(not verified)

Clean Coal Power

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2008 - 07:17

No less than 38% of all electricity is generated by burning it - more than gas and nuclear combined. The US alone has over 150 new coal power plants planned or being built - and China opens a new one every five days.

Even in the UK, despite the near closure of the mining industry and the accompanying ‘dash for gas’ in the power sector, coal-fired generation still meets one third of our electricity demand.

Re: Underground Coal Mining

Erstellt am 31. Dec. 2008 - 07:43
Quote Originally Posted by PeterSon12kView Post
No less than 38% of all electricity is generated by burning it - more than gas and nuclear combined. The US alone has over 150 new coal power plants planned or being built - and China opens a new one every five days.

Even in the UK, despite the near closure of the mining industry and the accompanying ‘dash for gas’ in the power sector, coal-fired generation still meets one third of our electricity demand.

Coal is black, dirty & sticky. Always was, is & will be. Clean & coal just don't belong in the same sentence, whatever the language. Some of us make a living, of sorts, out of coal handling. Then again farmers drive muck spreaders.

2009 approaches & 1/3rd of UK power still comes from coal after the local mining societies were destroyed. Reflecting on the politicians' trust of BP's misleading claims regarding offshore gas reserves, can we trust the allegations about X hundred years of coal reserves remaining in the UK? Selby has gone, and it was too wet to work anyway.

I recall that the European Community offered to subsidise British coal production but the Major government rejected the offer and finalised pit closures under the guise of privatisation. Such a decision could have been due to:

a)State Secret knowledge of seriously dwindled coal reserves

b)political right wing inertia

c)an existing & abnormally high surplus of Treasury funds


Nuclear is now the only realistic option for the UK. Coal fired power generation is highly toxic, biomass is a complete joke and now the renewables have raised environmental concerns (can you imagine that?).

Maybe it's just me: but if all the energy was generated by renewables; then wouldn't we be in serious danger from global cooling?

Re: Underground Coal Mining

Erstellt am 31. Dec. 2008 - 07:43
Quote Originally Posted by PeterSon12kView Post
No less than 38% of all electricity is generated by burning it - more than gas and nuclear combined. The US alone has over 150 new coal power plants planned or being built - and China opens a new one every five days.

Even in the UK, despite the near closure of the mining industry and the accompanying ‘dash for gas’ in the power sector, coal-fired generation still meets one third of our electricity demand.

Coal is black, dirty & sticky. Always was, is & will be. Clean & coal just don't belong in the same sentence, whatever the language. Some of us make a living, of sorts, out of coal handling. Then again farmers drive muck spreaders.

2009 approaches & 1/3rd of UK power still comes from coal after the local mining societies were destroyed. Reflecting on the politicians' trust of BP's misleading claims regarding offshore gas reserves, can we trust the allegations about X hundred years of coal reserves remaining in the UK? Selby has gone, and it was too wet to work anyway.

I recall that the European Community offered to subsidise British coal production but the Major government rejected the offer and finalised pit closures under the guise of privatisation. Such a decision could have been due to:

a)State Secret knowledge of seriously dwindled coal reserves

b)political right wing inertia

c)an existing & abnormally high surplus of Treasury funds


Nuclear is now the only realistic option for the UK. Coal fired power generation is highly toxic, biomass is a complete joke and now the renewables have raised environmental concerns (can you imagine that?).

Maybe it's just me: but if all the energy was generated by renewables; then wouldn't we be in serious danger from global cooling?