New Generation Air Dehumidifier

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Posted in: , on 16. Dec. 2008 - 18:12

New Generation Air Dehumidifier

Imtech DryGenic has developed a new generation of Polykath air dryers. The new types of Polykath dehumidifiers are able to handle upto 18,000 m/h, and has a dehumidification capacity upto 216 kg/h.

Besides drying the air, the Polykath also acts as an air washer for gases and particles whereby practically all bacteria, viruses and micro organisms present in the air drawn into the system are killed. The system is therefore perfectly suited for processes, which impose severe demands on humidity, temperature and hygiene.

The Polykath air dryer series is primarily used for product drying, processing/storage of hygroscopic products, preventing condensation problems, preventing freezing, drying areas (following cleaning) and for processes with a sterile and clean character.

Imtech DryGenic will be participating in the exhibition Anuga FoodTec

10-13/3/2009, Cologne, Hall 5.1 – G: 018.

For more information, please visit:


imtech-drygenic (JPG)

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