MiningWorld Central Asia 2009

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Posted in: , on 12. Dec. 2008 - 20:51

News about MiningWorld Central Asia 2009

We have now started booking for the MiningWorld Central Asia 2009 exhibition, which will take place on 16-18 September in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We hope that the new event will build on the success of this year’s event, which grew by an impressive 20%!

Much of this growth was made up of international exhibitors, whose numbers increased by 74%. This shows huge confidence in the Central Asian market, which continues to grow despite the economic strife being felt across many other markets.

Companies that take part in MiningWorld Central Asia find the opportunity to meet clients and partners face to face invaluable. Although most exhibitors aim to meet contacts, find distributors and gain market information, 30% of our exhibitors in 2008 actually signed contracts during the exhibition.

New for 2009!

Following the success of MiningWorld Central Asia 2008, we are adding a new pavilion to the event in 2009, as well as additional outside exhibiting space, to accommodate even more exhibitors!

This year’s conference, forum and seminars were very well received by exhibitors and visitors alike. They offer an opportunity to discover more in-depth information about the market and network with key industry players. These events will take place again in 2009. Please click on the links to last year’s conference programme and forum programme.

40% sold already!

If you would like more information about how MiningWorld Central Asia can help your business to grow, please reply to this email or call me on +44 207 596 5186.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Anna Aleinikova

Event & Sales Manager

Mining and Construction Division

ITE Group plc

105 Salusbury Road

London, NW6 6RG, UK

Tel: 0044 20 7596 5186

Fax: 0044 20 7596 5096




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