Pilot Plant for Providing Ready Mix

Posted in: , on 4. Dec. 2008 - 13:01


I would like to design a pilot plant for providing ready mix included cement and sand,... ofcourse dry and fill it in the pocketswhich I have seen that in some country they sell it in the supermarkets and the users simply add water and provide concrete

is there any reference what:

1- percentage of cement and other material

2- the equipment normally we ashould have in this plant

we would pleased if someone give me some information for ths production: ready mix. meanwhile I am not sure that this is the correct word I have used for my purpose.

Best regards


****stars celeste

Re: Pilot Plant For Providing Ready Mix

Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2008 - 05:38

Don't fergit the gravel/ballast. You need a bag filling station to receive from 3 bins & 3 feeders. You set the feeders to deliver the proportions appropriate to the grade of your product and away you go. Why would you need a pilot plant?

Dry Mortar

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2008 - 01:15

thanks for attention.

Don't fergit? the gravel/ballast?

I think its better to say "dry mortar", is it correct?

our raw material is cement and stone. I would like to know that commercially what they do to provide dry mortar from these primary materials: crushing? sizing(seive)? weighing hopper? packing? does it have any flowsheet such as cement plant?

meanwhile about the packing what should be the material of the bag?

thanks in advance
