Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Posted in: , on 1. Dec. 2008 - 14:06

We are all set to arrange a cement hopper unloading with pneumatic feeding of materials to 3 silos (see fig.1).


The design incorporates an underrailway bin with two pneumatic transporters (see fig.2, 3).

[IMG]e:\fig2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]e:\fig3.jpg[/IMG]

The transporter inlet valve closes automatically when pressure inside rises up

Transporter manufacturer states the following parameters:

volume - 0,3 m3;

inlet diameter - 0,2 m

outlet pipeline diameter - 0,15 m;

required air consumption - 10 m3/min;

required air pressure - 6 bar;

loading cycle ~20 sec;

unloading cycle ~25sec;

maximum pipe length - 400 m (including 35 m vertical);

transporter capacity ~ 25 tons/hr.

Parameters of unloading system:

material - cement;

particle size - 0,05mm;

transporters quantity - 2pcs;

transporters operating mode - common phase;

pipeline diameter - 0,150 mm;

pipeline length ~ 110 m (including 20 m vertical and 4 bends 90deg.)


Due to the fact that transporter parameters don't take into account pipeline design, I would like to clarify the following features :

True transporter capacity, air consumption required, material velocity etc. Mathematics model will help me to understand main dependences between parameters. Why 150mm pipeline is used? How does capacity change if I install 200 mm pipes? What kind of receiver I need for 2 transporters (2 * 10 m3/min).

I would be thankful for help!

Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 01:50

Dear Mr Kalmykov Andrey,

Unfortunately, the pictures are not shown in the thread.

I assume that the mentioned volume of 0,3 m3 is a pressure kettle (1 pc?)

and that this volume is coupled with a 400 m long pipe line.

I ran the installation through the computer and the first result was :

The cycle time of the discharge side is approx 110 sec. The filling time has to be added, resulting in a total cycle time of approx. 135 sec.

I have a feeling that the purge time of the pipe line between kettles is not accounted for.

The system capacity is then approx. 11,5 tons/hr at 2.5 bar pressure

Small vessels and long pipelines are not the most economic combination.

Secondly, the air flow is too low, because the air velocities in the pipeline are below the required velocity to prevent sedimentation.

For a long pipe line it is also recommendable to choose higher velocities in order to reduce the risk of choking. (Not a pleasure over 400 m)

If you will operate this installation at higher pressures than 2.5 bar, then the pipe design must consist of sections of increasing diameter. Higher pressures than 2.5 bar are not recommended because of energy consumption.

To be of more help, it is necessary to have more detailed information of the systems, probably given in the figures 1, 2 and 3.

best regards



Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 02:21

sorry for figures

This image is just a sketch.

pipeline length ~ 110 m (including 20 m vertical and 4 bends 90deg.)

Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 02:34

Dear Mr Kalmykov Andrey,

I will model this installation and calculate an alternative design.

Your transfer kettle does not seem to be a pressure vessel to withstand 6 bar at many pressure cycles.

This at least of because of the flat surfaces.

take care



Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 03:07

Dear Mr Kalmykov Andrey,

Attached the promised calculations. (screen shots)

I assumed 2 vessel system, 6"pipe, 18 m3/min screw compressor and a vessel content of 0.3 m3

Due to the small kettle size, the system capacity is approx 1/2 the pipe line capacity.

What are actually the required specifications?




andrey (PDF)


Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 03:40

Dear Mr Kalmykov Andrey,

Have you also considered a Fuller Kinyon pump sytem?




Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 04:00

Thank you very much for calculations. I'll consider it in several days.

Fuller Kinyon pump won't supply required capacity. We need to unload one hopper (~55 m3 / ~70 tons) less then 90 minutes (including man operations).

Re: Hopper Unloading & Pneumatic Feeding

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 04:06

Oh yes, a Fuller Kinyon pump is certaimly capable and even more.

(Personal experience)

The pneumatic design, however must be made then for approx. 1.7 bar

In this case it will have the advantage of continuous operation.

All for now.

