Can't get a third table in MySQL database to work?

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Oct. 2008 - 08:59

I see the question on nha khoa Software group

This sounds mad, but I've created two tables in a MySQl database into which I can insert data via php pages and display the contents. I've created a third with the same structure, but it just doesn't work - the php pages are just blank and no information is being inserted. I've tried renaming the table, restructuring it, dropping it and starting again but it refuses to cooperate. It's as though MySQL KNOWS what I'm trying to do and is just being bloody-minded. Could there some sort of caching going on either at my sever or on my computer which is preventing me updating the database? Has this happened to anyone else?

More questions about Database are post here: support of nha khoa Software group

Any one can help them?



Erstellt am 29. Oct. 2008 - 10:14

Would you not be better posting on a SQL discussion forum rather than one dedicated to Bulk Materials Handling???

Re: Can't Get A Third Table In Mysql Database To Work?

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2008 - 04:49

You may want to double check you are processing the proper string of data, and not a blank database/feed. It's quite simple really, but does happen ever so often.

- Irvine A. Eatmon

Sugar Boiler / Control Room Operator

(Also, a UNIX System Administrator.)