Loads exerted by bulk materials to silos

Posted in: , on 17. Oct. 2008 - 00:38


I´m new on this forum.

I´m mechanical engineering, and i need to know how to modelate on a structural analysis, the loads exerted by the bulk material to the envelope of a rectangular silo.

I have found that there are many norms and standards on this (EUROCODE. ENV 4: actions on silos and tank, ASABE X433.1 Loadas exerted by free flowing grain on bins, etc)

I'd like to get that documents.

If someone could help me sending a copy, I appreciate it a lot.

Thank you very much,

Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 18. Oct. 2008 - 11:07

You might also see AS 3774 - 1996 - Loads on Bulk sollids Containers. I imagine the comparable Indian Standard will be very well worth looking at because of affordability and scope.

Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 18. Oct. 2008 - 05:27

You might try to review Dr. Andrew Jenike by Googling some of his published information including the beginning of it all with Bulletin 123:

1. Intro to Dr. Andrew Jenike's Bulletin 123:


2. Jenike, A.W.: Storage and Flow of Solids, University of Utah Engineering Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 123, 1964.

3. http://www.ecgf.uakron.edu/~chem/fcl...r%20Design.pdf

You should also review the many technical guides of Dr. Lyn Bates who gives his insight to this forum.

Another pioneer is Dr. Alan Roberts and his work at Newcastle University and at TUNRA.

Square bins is not given as much study as circular bins, but I hope this helps.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 18. Oct. 2008 - 07:27

Thank you very much for all your replies.

Thye were all ver useful.

Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 21. Oct. 2008 - 12:39

Dear nordell,

In link http://www.ecgf.uakron.edu/~chem/fc...er%20Design.pdf, where i found the article about Hopper design (also silo design), in the example 10-1 (page 10-12) says that Janssen equation is for silos of circular cross section.

1. Does this equation applies to rectangular cross section bins?

2. Are ther any other equation for this type of silos?

3. How are rectangular bins designed? with this same equation and some factor adaptation?

And the other consult abotu this is the next one:

4. How is possible to evaluate the peak stress that produces in the hopper-bin junction? Are there any specific paper or book on this?

thank you all for your replies, they are all very useful and instructive (i´m new on this and i found this subject very interesting)

Javier Ferreyra

Mechanical Engineer

Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 21. Oct. 2008 - 07:50

I'm sure I speak for all when I say how nice it is to get the odd thank you now and then.

I nearly forgot this bit: Its out of print now ( I bought it brand new in 1989: It's available in Perth Library anyway) so I don't see a copyright issue....if you get really stuck I can always...

Shamlou - Chapter 2 - Pressure profiles in bulk solids storage vessels. ISBN 0-407-01180-3 (Shamlou P A " Handling of Bulk Solids" Butterworth 1988)

Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 22. Oct. 2008 - 07:54


thank for you reply.

I was trying to find the book you mention and i couldn´t get it.

Do you have in a digital support?

if "yes", could you be so please of sending me it? (ing.jferreyra@gmail.com)

if "no", don´t worry, i keep trying, in other libraries here in Argentina.

Thank you again,


Re: Loads Exerted By Bulk Materials To Silos

Erstellt am 15. Dec. 2009 - 07:47

Thank you Larry, for the inspiring and motivating links and informations about Dr. Jenike.

Best Regards.


Alexandre Costa Calijorne Caltra Projetos & Consultoria Ltda [url]www.caltra.com.br[/url] [email]alexandre@caltra.com.br[/email] phone/fax: +55 31 2555-9097