Staminair Air Blasters

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Posted in: , on 1. Sep. 2008 - 15:37

Staminair Corporation is a specialist in build up solution removal using a pneumatic air triggered device commonly called an air blaster. The Staminair team has acquired 15 years experience and has developed 2 Vortex Blastair® versions:

• High Temperature version mainly for heat exchanger and cooler applications to remove clogging and to avoid costly plant stoppages and downtime;

• Low Temperature to eliminate build up and dead stock for powdery and granular materials thus preventing caking and allowing optimization of storage capacity.

The Vortex Blastair® does not require any specific air supply, available plant air is sufficient with a minimum 4 bars air pressure (5 to 6 bars for better results). The average air consumption is moderate and depends on firing number per hours, size of pressure vessels, and number of Vortex Blastair installed. For instance, a 50 liters Vortex will only consume 0.60 Nm3/hour at 6 bars air pressure (90 PSI) with 2 firing per hour.

Vortex Blastair® was designed with several objectives in mind:

•Complete safety for the operators thus avoiding harsh roding or other manual cleaning method;

•A sturdy design able to cope with the most severe operating conditions;

•Easy maintenance thanks to an accessible external T shape valve;

•A metal to metal construction design making the Vortex Blastair extremely reliable;

•A cost effective solution to all customers willing to prevent hoppers, bins and silos discharge interruption as well as process disruption.

Build up: An every day life issue!

Concretions are one of the main obstacles to optimization of cement kiln operation. Cement operators try as much as possible to lower its influences on cement process. Unfortunately, these actions cannot fully prevent build up formation, which becomes a part of the process in modern cement kiln due to, among other factors:

•Clinker chemistry change and particle size variations;

•Alternative fuels usage affecting Sulphur ,chlorides and alkali content;

•Preheater and fixed grate cooler design;

•Running kiln over burning;

•Burner flame momentum;


A cement kiln preheater has several areas where concretions can occur. Hence, we are talking about areas where gases velocity decreases, where hot and colder temperatures encounter raw meal or where restricted dimensions of preheater sections changes raw material flow speed.

Most critical areas of build up comprehend but are no limited to inlet heart, smoke chamber, riser duct, cyclones cone / meal feed pipes and grate cooler.

Concretions and blockages, even recognized as an everyday concern by cement plants, are somehow a hidden cost affecting operations and kiln performance in terms of:

• Clinker quality;

• Clinker overall production;

• Refractory lining life;

• Fuel consumption;

• Safety operation.

Furthermore, if not prevented or eliminated in time, this could lead to unscheduled costly shutdown. It is a common practice for a modern kiln to quantity each hour of stoppage at an approximate minimum of 4000 USD.

Vortex Blastair® specificity

Vortex Blastair® is using a specific patented design allowing the triggering device to be equipped with a double sided piston (for double service life) and avoiding wear by the addition of a replaceable cylinder sleeve; this reduces tremendously its maintenance cost.

Vortex Blastair® provides a preventive cleaning of your storage capacities.

Return of investment is generally lower than 1 year depending on the application.

Vortex Blastair® was engineered in Europe but is currently manufactured in Asia for cost efficiency.

How can the Vortex Blastair® help you?

Your production unit is facing unscheduled stoppages? Bulk handling problem resulting in lesser operational efficiency? You would like to improve material flow? Increase your cost efficiency? Vortex Blastair can respond to your expectations…

The number, size and Vortex Blastair® positioning is recommended by our technical team, and installation drawings are also supplied. We remain at your disposal to find the best solution to your bulk handling problems.

For more information on how we can help or service your company's unique requirements, please visit:


Cyclone equipped with 2 Vortex Blastair 50 liters high temperature


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