Material split to the DMS

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Aug. 2008 - 14:09

At our diamond processing plant, we run a two stream DMS. From the DMS stockpile, one conveyor transports the material (-25mm) to a Y-chute feeding the two feed preparation screens. Each screen then dischages into a conveyor feeding its respective DMS stream.

The problem that we have is that, we are not achieving the 50-50 split from the feed preparation Y-chute. One DMS stream inturn treat coaser, heavier and high volume of material than the other. This results in inefficiencies in the process.

Does anyone know of chute that can address the problem? Or any modifications that can be done to address the problem.

Thanks in advance


Y Chutes

Erstellt am 29. Aug. 2008 - 03:39


Just like any other mass flow it has to be regulated. any ore is lazy just like electricity and will follow the easiest path with the least resistance.

Is the flow into the Y chute regulated in some way?, a mechanical

feeder of some type? It may be as simple as slowing down the feed rate above the Y chute-perhaps witha gate to regulate flow such as is used with bulk bins with an apron feeder load out.

Perhaps the answer lies in building a better chute with a lower angle of entry to reduce friction at the Y-meaning the legs of the wye need to be closer together. lets say your chutes legs are at a 45 degree angle to each other. and if you make a new chute with leg angles of 15 degrees the flow may split better as the resistance from the chute leg will be reduced bythe loss of the 30 degrees but the ore may pas therough too quickly and not be screened efficiently.

It would be simple enough to build a small wooden model of your Y chute with the current leg angles and a new model with the reduced angle and pour a sample amount of ore through them to see if it works better.

But if the ore is wet that poses a second problem.

Remember that gravity can either be a help or a hindrance regarding mass flows.


Re: Material Split To The Dms

Erstellt am 29. Aug. 2008 - 04:05

Do some research on a "RIFFLER CHUTE".

It is a series of dividing plates in your chute that would direct the product evenly down each leg of the Y. 50% of the plates would direct down one leg and the other 50% down the other leg.

Ensure the cross sectional volume between the plates are equal or greater to the volume in your existing chute. The gap between the plates would need to be determined for best flow based on particle size.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Material Split To The Dms

Erstellt am 3. Sep. 2008 - 07:16


Any chance for some dwgs and pictures of the chute and screen decks?

Ziggy Gregory