Dry Cargo Asia Conference & Exhibition, Singapore

Posted in: , on 26. Aug. 2008 - 11:33


Pan Pacific Hotel, 7th-8th April 2009, Singapore

"The meeting place in Asia for today’s dry cargo professionals and their customers"

The future challenges facing the dry cargo market in Asia are undoubtedly to secure and sustain supply. Many major consumers of dry bulk materials have invested in the supply chain in order to guarantee the delivery of commodities. These investments range from the procurement of coal and iron ore mines to the purchase of new dry bulk vessels.

Whilst iron ore, coal and grain take centre stage, there are a number of minor bulk materials that have seen a significant increase in demand as economies flourish throughout the region. Building materials and fertilizers have both seen a dramatic growth in demand, which is set to continue.

As an organization involved in the dry cargo market in Asia, you will obviously appreciate the importance of preparing for the future. Opportunities in established dry cargo markets are naturally important as is the positioning of your company in order to take advantage of new challenges, which will also secure future growth.

Dry Cargo Asia will give you the opportunity to look at all the options. The conference programme has been designed to allow you to look at where the established markets are heading and what needs to be put in place to secure their future. At the same time you will be able to identify trends in new and emerging markets and commodities.

Join us in Singapore! I am confident that you will find your time well spent and the contacts and information you gather valuable tools for the future of your business.

Current Speakers Include:

Olle Östensson, Special Adviser International Trade and Commodities Division, UNCTAD

Koichiro Ebihara, General Manager, Research Office, Mitsui O.S.K Lines

Khalid Hashim, CEO, Precious Shipping Public Company, Thailand

Joachim Skorge, Head of Corporate Finance Asia, DnB NOR

Mr Terje Knutsen, President, Tara Asia Pte.Ltd

Divay Goel, Director and Head of Operations, Drewry Maritime Services (Asia) Pte. Ltd

Andrey Pupchenko, Research Director, Metal Expert Research Group

Simon Bentley, Director, LMC International Ltd

Mr Francis Aurol, Director - Port Development, PB Ports Ltd

Tim Kikkert, SE Asian Manager - Grain Handling, Buhler Group

Dr Vassiem Sheikh, Regional Director, Bulk Materials International

Steve Hanrahan, Director, Ocean Shipping Consultants

Peter Malpas, Group Research Manager, Braemar Seascope Pty Ltd

Mario Terenzio, Executive Director, Logmarin Advisors Srl

Visit www.dci-events.com or email stephen.bell@dci-events.com

Stephen Bell

Events Director

DCi Events

www.dci-events.comDRY CARGO ASIA

Andrew Hucker-Brown Dry Cargo International andrew@dc-int.com
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