Technical project on Coatings: Electrical Insulation sheets

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Aug. 2008 - 16:37

Dear Sirs,

I send the Technical project on Coatings: Electrical Insulation. Sheets electrotechnikall steel for produce sheet of electric motor's Stator, Rotor. File is attached.

I ask to generate the Offer include the installation works and training of the personnel.

A place of realization of the project - the central part of the Russian Federation.

Date of consideration of the project - November-December 2008.

At occurrence of questions I ask to communicate.

Best Regards,

Mozharov Stanislav, manager

NEVAENERGOMASH Ltd, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

t/f: +7-812-258-28-70

mobile: +7-921-355-98-95

Skype: mojarov


varnishing line (PDF)

Re: Technical Project On Installation For Varnishing Sheets

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2008 - 05:38

Originally posted by MoStMich

Dear Sirs,

I send the Technical project on installation for varnishing sheets electrotechnikall steel for produce sheet of electric motor's Stator, Rotor. File is attached.

I ask to generate the Offer include the installation works and training of the personnel.

A place of realization of the project - the central part of the Russian Federation.

Date of consideration of the project - September-October.

At occurrence of questions I ask to communicate.

Best Regards,

Mozharov Stanislav, maneger

NEVAENERGOMASH Ltd, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

t/f: +7-812-258-28-70

mobile: +7-921-355-98-95

Skype: mojarov

You will have better results contacting any of the major elelctric motor builders in europe or the united states as they will be better able to help you.