Dust Control / Dust Explosion Seminar - Sydney, Australia

Dust Control / Dust Explosion Seminar - Sydney, Australia

When: Wednesday, 24th September 2008

Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm

Where: Sydney, Australia

Cost: $299 plus GST

PowderHandling.com.au is pleased to present the Dust Control / Dust Explosion Seminar, an event that will focus on...

Dust Control

At a practical level, this seminar will provide an understanding of dust control systems, with topics including, different types of dust collectors and their correct application, new handling and conveying technologies to prevent dust generation, troubleshooting of dust control systems and a practical discussions on the design of dust control exhaust systems.

Dust Explosions

The seminar will also help to take the mystery out of dust explosions and will cover the science and jargon, risk assessment and management and new technologies to prevent explosion propagation.

For full details of the agenda, details of the venue and an on-line registration form, visit the seminar web site at http://www.seminars.powderhandling.com.au

For more information, contact:

Paul Nutter


Email: paul@powderhandling.com.au

Phone: (+61) 0431 022 066

Fax: (+61) 02 8587 0051



Paul Nutter PowderHandling.com.au P. +61 (0)431 022 066 F. +61 (0)2 8587 0051 W. www.powderhandling.com.au W. www.pharmaprocessing.com.au
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