Barge unloading procedures

Posted in: , on 21. Jul. 2008 - 07:58

I have to define some layout for a barge unloading installation as part of a main layout for iron ore storage .Im looking for pictures about barge unloading systems . If some of my friends of the forum can help sending pictures are welcomed.


Marcelo Alonso

Marcelo A Alonso.

Barge Unloading

Erstellt am 28. Jul. 2008 - 07:30

How do you propose to unlad the barge ????

Use - Shore Grab or Barge mounted Crane /Grabs ??

Whats the distance to storage area from the quay ??

Open conveyer should suit your requirment

Barge Unloading Procedures

Erstellt am 28. Jul. 2008 - 02:58

Please provide additional information on your requirements. Are you planning on using a grab or interested in a continuous barge unloader. Please review our website at to get a better idea of what choices we offer.

Harry Edelman Sr VP Heyl & Patterson Inc.