Looking for a contract wet grinder of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3)

Posted in: , on 21. Jul. 2008 - 00:50

First post in this forum so I am hoping this is the correct area to post this message. If it is not, I would ask that the moderator places this in the correct venue. Thanks!

We are mining 99.8 %+ pure CaCo3. We mine it, crush it and then dry grind it, but due to our location cannot wet grind (cost of power is too great). I need to have approx 30,000 tons of our caco3 wet ground for several of our applications (down to around half micron area).

If you contract "wet grind" AND you are in the North or South America regions, we would like to discuss a long term contract for our material to be ground at your plant. Please contact me via email with telephone info so I can call and discuss this directly.

Thanks, Dave Morgan


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